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Posted by: kizza42
14-06-2009, 10:52 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (155)

Here are the checklists and guides that instructors use to assess & award Bronze & Gold wings. They are looking for your to competently complete these maneuvers with full control of the aircraft, You will also note that it is the rating instructors discretion as to the level of competency.

Bronze Wings
The pilot must be able to locate all the transmitter controls quickly without fumbling.

The pilot must be able to name all major components of the aircraft and define functions, including effect of controls, and have a thorough knowledge of safety rules and regulations.

The pilot checks the engine mounting, plumbing, centre of gravity location, security of under-carriage and signs of structural or covering problems that could affect flight eg. presence of warps which could affect trim. The pilot also checks that controls are neutral and control throws correct, and checks throttle setting, state of battery and performs a range check.

The pilot demonstrates gradual application of power while keeping the aircraft straight, and using a little elevator to lift off, makes a gentle climb out with wings level until safe altitude is reached.

Pilot shows ability to trim the aircraft in flight. Displacement and re-trimming both the primary roll control and elevator should be demonstrated.

6. PROCEDURE TURNS – One in each direction
The pilot’s ability to perform the following steps in the procedure turn will be assessed.
a.Level flight segments should be straight and level.
b.Aircraft should pass directly over the landing area.
c.Turns should be at a constant altitude.
d.Turns should be completed in order that upwind and downwind tracks are super imposed.

Pilot to demonstrate in both directions, as shown in the diagram in the MAAA Pilot Log Book, with all turns of 90 degrees.With high performance aircraft, the power needs to be reduced much sooner than at the turn on to base leg.The upwind and downwind legs are parallel to the landing strip.The first three legs are maintained at a constant height and a gradual approach angle is started at the beginning of the base leg.

Pilot demonstrates an engine assisted landing, using a suitable power setting that allows the model to descend, controlling nose attitude with elevators (airspeed),and using the throttle to stabilise the rate of descent.The aircraft should be flown over the threshold at an altitude of about 1.5metres, the throttle closed gradually, and the round-out or flare initiated. The"hold-off" period is then commenced where the
aircraft is gradually allowed to sink and settle on the ground in a slightly nose high attitude.

At a safe and high position, the pilot will reduce the throttle to idle and perform a descending circuit to show his/her ability to safely glide the model without engine power to a position where a landing approach can be executed.

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Posted by: Stuka
13-06-2009, 05:30 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Hi Kieran, What a great job you have done!! Simple but very effective!!

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Posted by: kizza42
11-06-2009, 10:53 PM
Forum: General
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Field was a wee bit wet last weekend Biggrin

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Posted by: kizza42
11-06-2009, 04:50 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3625)

Weather is looking good but probably going to be a bit chilly, Hopefully the field has dried up a bit

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