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Posted by: samste
25-09-2012, 08:12 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

I have one of These Coming Soon, Balsa Version, it has been around for a while and was selling very cheap in states but shipping was always the down fall.
But i have found a place that was reasonable, I have always wanted a Trojan Slightly bigger than the Parkzone and the large 80 inch Trojan is out of my price range at the moment so the 1400 is the compromise.


Wing area….................32.5dm2
Wing loading…............71~74/dm2
Radio…........................4 channel 4 servos
Motors…….........…… 35~41

Build Thread on rc groups

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Posted by: gbanger
19-09-2012, 07:08 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

This isn't really a new thread but seeing that my oldest and most favorite plane died about 6 weeks ago..... It had to be replaced.... enter Sukhoi V2.
Apart from the different colour, which I think will look spectacular in air, the new V2 is a bit lighter, the tailplane and rudder are now airfoil shaped, (On the original version they were flat), apart from that there doesn't appear to be much difference at all.
I have swaped everything from the old plane to the new one so you expect the C of G to be pretty spot on with the same battery placement.... ... wrong..... I had to move the battery back 30mm, that is quite surprising.
Anyway .... she is already packed in the car, I will be stopping by the field tomorrow afternoon about 3.30 for a few balancing flights.... here are a few pics of my new bestest buddy.
PS: If you ever get a chance to fly/ own one of these things.... don't pass it up they seriously are the best......... period!

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Posted by: BenR
13-09-2012, 10:17 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Hi all,

I have been looking at a UMX Carbon Cub as something I can fly during my work lunch breaks (Its under 100 grams flying weight, and is thus exempt from CASA reg's). Theres a pair of sport fields at work where I have flown before and plan to do so again.

Has anyone had any flying experience with one? I am hoping to use it to build up my hours much more rapidly then the occasional (and rare after this weekend until December) weekend flight opportunities I get. I am hoping that the gyros will allow me to fly in a wider range of conditions then an ordinary UM.

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Posted by: Steven
09-09-2012, 11:57 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)


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Posted by: Kedumba
07-09-2012, 11:53 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Hi All,
Having a small problem with a HobbyKing Red Brick 60A ESC that I'm useing in my EPP FPV.

First, I'm using an AR7000 Rx, the one that came with my DX7 in this plane. I have a separate UBEC hooked up to a battery to power the RX and servos and a separate battery hooked up to the ESC.

I have bound the RX to the DX7 and the Servo's move in response to stick commands - all good, however the ESC won't initialise.

Here is the process I'm using:
1: Turn On Tx
2: Hook up Rx battery.
- Rx light lights up, servo's jump.
- If I move sticks, Servo's move in responce
3: plug in ESC battery
- ESC goes boop-bar-beep and then pauses for approx 5 or 6 seconds
- it then starts going boop-bar-beep pause boop-bar-beep over and over again. No other response from ESC or motor regardless of what I do.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causeinbg this problem or what I should be checking.

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Posted by: BenR
06-09-2012, 03:06 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

Starting a log of building my first SRL special - which is also my first plane I put together (I dont count a Trojan that required about 2 screws and plugging a few things in). However a cautionary note - Im likely to be very slow, both due to being new at it, and also having very limited time for all things flight between now and December (doing uni stuff).

I started last night by getting some of the pieces uncut from the main sheets. First thing I learnt - depron is far dustier to work with then I expected, got lots of it everywhere.

Did a dry test of how things would fit together, and also got a feel for how much flex and strength the depron itself has. I am already thinking that rather then carbon fibre tow to strengthen the leading edges, I am going to use spar. It will add to weight, but I want a lot of stiffness.

So far my next step plans revolve around a HK order, which will include at the least:

* Some HXT500 servos
* Some carbon spar
* Some fibre tape for attaching the control surfaces
* CA
* An orangerx

I have not included motor/prop/ESC yet as I want a better idea about weight before I leap in and commit. Having said that, Im going to look at a setup thats all about thrust - the size of the control surfaces suggest some ability to throw the plane around, but I am still not convinced it has the wing strength to give it too much speed.

I am also playing with the idea of some cheap spraypaint and some paper cut masks to do a custom paint job.

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Posted by: dwils
05-09-2012, 06:56 AM
Forum: General
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There was a special on the ABC last night about drones and other types of unmaned aircraft and sizes and the one interesting thing was
they are limited to a max of 400 ft but some enthusiast are flying these for as much 10 miles in any direction using systems like go pro
and two opperators one to fly the other to take pictures and in 4 years there air space will open completly

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Posted by: brotherblonde
04-09-2012, 08:38 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

This Wednesday, 7:30 pm, 5 Sep, on channel One"..Megafactories" goes in to the Learjet factory in Kansas.

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Posted by: smuzz
03-09-2012, 01:37 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

SteveB and I coincidentally bought some dBA meters several months ago with the aim of doing some testing at the field. Finally got around to starting this on the weekend. The idea is that we might build up a list of known planes and their noise levels which can give us an idea of the racket we might be making.

All tests are done at a distance of 7.5m in an arc from the front of the plane to the back, with the highest level recorded.


Here are the results (all measurements in dBA) ...

Ambient measurement: 50
<td>Dynam Meteor (on 4S with unbalanced EDF): </td><td>78</td>
<td>Parkzone F27Q Stryker (stock configuration):</td><td>77</td>
<td>Parkzone Stryker (Modified):</td><td>76</td>
<td>Parkzone T-28 Trojan (stock configuration):</td><td>68</td>


UPDATE: I've added a chart which came with the dB(A) meter I bought. It lists a collection of common sounds and their expected noise level - not really a calibrated reference, but it helps get an idea of the logarithmic dB scale.

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Posted by: smuzz
02-09-2012, 07:20 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

Manufacturer's web-site:

For once I decided to assemble a kit in the stock configuration - it took a lot to control my instinct to meddle with it, but the noise from RCGroups indicated that it was fine out of the box.

Assembly was not taxing, the only issues were ...
1. All the screws used to hold the wings on and the tailplane together were only 20mm long, this makes it simple for the manufacturing but I'll probably use some larger nylon bolts at a later stage.
2. The screws are sometimes placed in deep recesses and it's anyone's guess whether you're going to find the socket when you drop the screwdriver into the hole and start turning. It's also easy to try and overtighten the screws which will strip the plastic sockets very quickly.
3. It comes with those EZ style of connector for the horns on the control surfaces - I've never liked them that much - they're clunky, always seem to have too much slop, rely on a set-screw on which you can often burr the head, and you've really got to put loctite or CA on the retaining nut to be sure it's going to stay there. My collection of spare parts is a mess and I can't find things at the moment, otherwise I'd have replaced them with threaded clevis'.
4. I had to put some lead (dead weight) up behind the cowl to get the CoG correct.

The assembly manual said I cold expect a takeoff weight of 1250g and the static test showed 280 W so there weren't any reasons to upgrade the power train, but the 30A ESC doesn't have a huge amount of spare capacity.

It flew quite well and it wasn't difficult to make it look reasonably scale in the air. It would cruise about at about 65% throttle and the stock retracts performed perfectly even though I wasn't gentle with them. I perhaps had a little too much nose weight, so removed some of that for the second and third flights. It would loop from level flight at full power, but needed a bit of down-elevator to stop it sinking in a roll - not too bad and probably scale-like.

It's the first plane in which I've ever used expo - I thought it was about time to get acquainted with it. I think I might have started off with a little too much of it though because I was under-controlling the flair on landing. It's going to take a little time to get used to, and some of my landings were disappointing - not the plane's fault though, I got to get used to shoving the sticks around a bit more.

I plan on doing a kit-bash and converting it to a Wirraway, ready for Oz Day next year.

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