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Posted by: Flying fisho
22-01-2013, 07:04 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (58)

It has been suggested that I create a build log for my recently purchased Super & Cheaper MX2. This will be a blind leading the blind thing but am willing to give it a go. I suppose the first thing is the purchase link
Ordered & paid for 17/2/13 and arrived today via Australia Post from Melbourne. Not double boxed but arrived without any first inspection damage.
Decided the first thing to do is read up on the instructions. Shock Written in Chinglish and are the instructions for their Extra 260, Edge 540, Extra 300LP, MX2, Yak 54, Yak 55M, Sukhoi SU29, Sukhoi SU 26m, Raven & Katana combined. Expecting book size ? Apparrently nothing varies from plane to plane. Nup 15 pages made up mostly of indecipherable pictures & barely useful wordings.
Will try to include some pics soon if I can fumble my way through that task whist fumbling my way through the build.

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Posted by: secant0give
20-01-2013, 12:04 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

I got one of these quite a while ago and started doing a bit od work on putting it together, now That Yak no 2 is sorted out I thaught I might continue with this one.

It's quite a nicely made model here's a link to the vender, I see they still have them in stock.

Mine is going to be powered by a DLA 56
Here's a video of a rather foolish bloke starting one with his bare hand and with it mounted to a trolly with wheels on the legs.
who would do such a silly thing ???

I spent some time making some nice anti vibration mounts for it. These things shake like mad especially at low revs.

I'll most likely need a MOP certificate to fly it as it will probably weigh a fraction over 7Kg hopefully not too much tho.

Here's a pic of the fuze on the bench ready for some attention

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Posted by: secant0give
17-01-2013, 10:14 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (58)

On Sunday the 17th of March there will be something different at PRCAC’s McCoy field. We have been very fortunate in securing the support of the NSW Pylon association to hold an introduction to Electric Pylon racing day!

This will be a great opportunity for our members and invited guests to have a go and experience the fun and excitement of Electric Pylon racing, with out the stress of it being at a formal competition, but with all the official timing gear and proper set up used by the NSW pylon association guys.

Pylon racing model airplanes is great fun at every level! It’s not an overly difficult thing to do and you don’t have to be an elite pilot to fly your plane around the course.
All you have to do is be able to fly your plane safely, be willing to have a go, learn something new and most of all have fun. There will be plenty of experienced pilots to help out on the day, to call for and answer the questions of pilots new to pylon racing. There will also be opportunities to practice flying the course before the 17th of March.

Even if you don’t feel confident flying the course please come along and take part. Not only is pylon racing great to watch but there are plenty of opportunities to be involved other than flying. There needs to be judges/timers for each plane in the air and there will also need to be at least two people with radios observing the exclusion zone while races are being run. It would be great to have people take a bunch of photos/video of the proceedings as well. When not flying pilots will also be doing some of these things. It's quite an interesting and busy time once it all gets going.

There will be time for normal flying, trimming and test flights while things things are getting set up and after racing is finished as well.

At least two classes of planes will be racing on the day. One class will be Trojan/Sports. And the other will be FFC (Fun Fighter Class).

Trojan/Sports class will be based on Parkzone Trojans and similar type models. Models with similar performance will be put in the same heats and a formula (yet to be devised) will be used to equalise the results. So that non-standard aircraft and standard Trojans can compete on a comparitivly level field, we’ll use a handicap system. It could be as simple as the time multiplied by the watts required to run the powerplant flat out on the ground. This will be finilised before the day and I’ll post it up here so we know where we stand.

The Fun Fighter class will be based aircraft from Hobby kings Fun fighter range of models and other similar machines like the Moray which is also from HK. This is obviously going to be the faster class and those flying in this one are well advised to have some practice before the day!!

There are some pylons in the field box, we will be getting them out quite a few times before the 17th of March for practice. So please if you see them set up give us a yell and a have go. If you want to set them up and have a go please post up on this thread or let either, SRL, Claudio, Frank or my self know and we’ll give you hand.

More information to come, I'll post up more as we get things underway

Please post up any questions or comments.

Please also have a think about what class or classes or planes you may want to fly on the day. there's plenty of time to get something together to fly before the day, it's two months from now


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Posted by: Chris Mc
14-01-2013, 06:41 PM
Forum: For Sale
- Replies (4)

I visited your field on Saturday and was advised by Kevin to log some hours on a Sim before I purchase a plane and join the Club.

I was wondering if anyone had a Phoenix Sim with USB Transmitter for sale.

Thanks for your time.

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Posted by: Raptorfly
13-01-2013, 10:51 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (19)

(13-01-2013, 11:31 AM)wingtipper Wrote:  yep . the field can definaitely take big planes now . att ( gbanger, raptorfly and secantogive) i need to see some in the air so i can take my next direction in aircraft . LOL .

2meter B-25 coming soon. 1.5meter 90mmFlyfly F100 almost complete. Big they are added to the collection of ever growing no of large plane.

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Posted by: Flying fisho
01-01-2013, 05:43 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Are you one of the many people suffering from Triskaidekaphobia. Shock Perhaps this is the reason so few of us turned up to fly today. Personally I thought it best to test it's validity on the first day. Our first Triskaidekaphobic "told you so" victim, Pete turns up without his transmitter. Upset
Second to test the waters of Triskaidekaphobia was our own Big Kahuna, Gazza who tried to further trim the Willows & then the reeds with his Trojan's horizontal stabiliser on final approach & finish off with a big belly flop. Icon_evil Not bad for a first flight of the year.
Then came my turn to see how many times I could say the word f#*% in one single flight after resurrecting the E-Flight Pulse from it's previous landing gear collapse & subsequent damage. Mad Required many hands to test the limits of Elevator & Aileron trim adjust before a less than graceful but undamaged landing.
Not to be outdone came our own Angry Bird Frank who thankfully came down unscathed with his heli after it broke its tail rotor linkage.
Looking forward to Saturdays Triskaidekaphobic testers at our club or do we wait until next year to see you come out of hiding. Rolleyes
Cheers guys.

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Posted by: Flying fisho
01-01-2013, 12:16 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

May we all be blessed with health, wealth & happiness in 2013. Many happy flights & safe landings.

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Posted by: srl
31-12-2012, 08:07 PM
Forum: For Sale
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This is airframe only as the factory ESC/ Motor is very expensive and still OK.
The motor box needs repairing. So a HK conversion is the way to go. HTX 900's will fit perfectly.
Less wheel pants $40.

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Posted by: brotherblonde
31-12-2012, 01:52 PM
Forum: General
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Gday all, I hope Santa was good to you all and you have a great new year.

I just want to let everyone know how blessed, lucky, favoured etc we are with our club.

I'm up in Armidale with the family & I took a drive out to the New England Model Flying Club Sunday afternoon for a look. There is a sign on the gate ( a nice, good sized sign) that give the hours of operation of the club as "Sundays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm." That's it. No more.. 3 hours a week. Period.

I turned up just after 3pm and needless to say, it was abandoned.

I, along with all of you, are so grateful to belong to a club that enjoys the freedoms that it has. I'll never take that for granted..ever.

Thank you everyone for making the club what it is, Including the Para Council.

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Posted by: paulj
28-12-2012, 06:09 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Santa has been very good to me this year.
Pat and I came down to Canberra for an overnight stay
and to pick up my new toy.
It's a 2.26Metre Northop P-61 Black Widow Nightfighter.
Flying weight will run about 10Kgs when I complete the
electric conversion.
Plane is so big it came in 2 boxes.
Here is a dealer's photo of the complete aircraft.
Picked it up for a bargain as original price was $659 but we only
paid $399.
It has working spoilers as well as the ailerons and flaps.


Hoping to be down the field this Sunday for a long overdue fly.

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