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Well I set the shoestring up and all ready to go I thought i might test it out on the ground I opened the throttle, holding on to the tail, let it rev flat out static for about 45 seconds and the...
I hope to get down for a fly some time tomorrow
Well the 100 A castle creations Icelite ESC seems to work just fine!! It's a little heavier, this is mainly because of the extra heavy leads A quick report on the first flight of the shoestring....
wingtipper Wrote: (16-12-2012, 10:58 PM) -- mate, eeeeeerrrrrmmm . im not sure i like that models charactoristics , it flew exactly the same as my HK focus i had , even looks similar with its ...
I really enjoyed this clip !!
Skidz Wrote: (17-12-2012, 09:42 PM) -- Nice graph. That ESC is getting extremely hot. What do you think is causing the rpm and voltage to drop when you throttle up? Is this prop loading when you r...
Yes very interesting !! I like the idea of using the fets instead of the flywheel diode. makes sence with the on resistance of the fet being much lower that of a diode. The drama I can see there i...
Unfortunatly I must also work. I'll be there on Satterday tho' There are a few guys that fly on a Wednesday if you trun up you might be lucky John Hale could be there, He's a good man to have on...
I wouldn't think that smuzz, most of the red bull guys are ....................well.....................lets not mention the war.................... and say ................................that t...
I like the way he adjusts the load on the dyno using that pot connected to an array of Fets sitting in the plastic container of water. That is a classic !! I wonder what the windex is for ?????
Wow that's a nice looking scale model. There is just something about the B25 Mitchel !!
don't forget wheel breaks need a channel for that by it self If you use dual rudder and put one out each side for breaking then you need two one for each rudder and one channel to mix in the off...
Here's some graphs of the flight data from the last three flights on friday The peak temprature has fallen quite conciderably Now the question is why was it getting so hot on the previous Sunday? I...
Good old Futaba ay !! That looks like a nice system and probably the locical next step for large and complex set ups.
Skidz Wrote: (23-12-2012, 05:27 AM) -- Hi Jason Much cooler:) Did you do anything else? Ventilation? The current log appears the same as last graph posted. -- Yes I noticed that too but I didn'...
Half your luck ay :) Whish I was there, but instead I'm here, at work but I'll be leaving soon tho' only to pick up a big list of stuff from the shops
Agree with Gaz, on both counts I'm a JR man too and I use 9XII for for my bigger planes. With this radio I can plug in different RF modules, but it doesn't have the model safe feature. Gazz's 11X...
Wow look how it runs straight down the strip !! It will probably dry up pretty quickly tho' the ground was very dry prior to this rain could be OK in couple of days
chrism Wrote: (25-12-2012, 10:51 PM) -- I can't help but notice that most of the water runs along a path that has no reeds to impede it's flow. We need to take advantage of the summer days and clear...
Flying fisho Wrote: (27-12-2012, 10:05 AM) -- Just bought a new Zlin (Model flight boxing day special) Acco...
I'm going to head off down to the field for a bit shortly
I hope to get down there tomorrow for a few flights as well I've got some packs on charge tonight I'll post up when I'm getting ready to go See you there !!
I'll be at the field in about 40 mins, see you there !!
That is really shifting along!! probably doing 250-280 Clicks !! It's a very nice looking field they have there at Maitland !!
Flying fisho Wrote: (31-12-2012, 08:52 PM) -- With many thanks to Jason, my pulse is ready to race again. Can even fly the E-flite Pulse which equates to the same thing. See you there. -- Your...
All the very best for the year to come! I hope it exceeds all expectations!! Have a good one !!
G'day Arancini, Welcombe to the forum !! I will certainly be down at the field on Satterday morning if the weather's good Your more than welcombe to drop by, have a chat, and ...
Well my poor old depron extra is up for replacement shortly I've been putting this new one together for a while in between working on 5 other ARFs. Was it really 5? a spare bear, 3 vipers...
Interesting stuff !! I wonder how power hungry it is and what sort of duration it is caperble of
I just noticed that Smuzz was selling his old Trojan.
Wow didn't that make a mess !!
I just finished putting it together with everything moved to get the C of G right so I don't have to add any nose weight and I've got it to balance right on the forward most limit of C of G with out a...
wingtipper Wrote: (05-01-2013, 12:51 AM) -- Thats a nice plane Jason -- Thanks Frank !! I test flew it today and was very please with how it went. There were a few minor issues that need to be...
G'day jamie, That was me, Jason, the other bloke who was down at the field today with Frank. Good to meet you and I hope to catch up with you down the field some time in the n...
I've got an 18X8 prop balanced and ready to go on and the tail wheel spring has been replaced with a new one that I bent up out of some thicker piano wire I got from hobbies in the hills. ...
I have a few flights with old one this morning and it still goes pretty well despite being 2/3 depron and 1/3 hot melt glue. Some more pics of the new depron Extra build. Being a 3D practice m...
Some 1.5mm ply along the bottom to help with the abrasion suffered after many landings and stiffen up the fuse a little. Just held on with HMG
wingtipper Wrote: (09-01-2013, 09:21 PM) -- thats the way . do the top as well if you can and dont forget the struts -- It would be a good idea to do the top as well, I've put some on the sides 'c...
Beautie!! I'll be calling in for a look an the way home Hope fully they've got some more done by then too !! AWSOME !!!!!!
Kev, Here's a link to the original plan or pretty close to it. Should give a bit of an idea on how it goes together. Just think about the order you put things together in and it's no problem at al...
Just my personal opinions I think the best thing to do would be to get rid of all the loonies 'caue they are ultimatly the ones that cause all the trouble. Hey didn't some bloke with a funny...
I understand fully your point of view Wayne, and in a sence we are saying the same thing. If you look at the Martin Bryant Tradigity that guy was obviously out of his tree to start with, I mean ...
wingtipper Wrote: (13-01-2013, 11:31 AM) -- yep . the field can definaitely take big planes now . att ( gbanger, raptorfly and secantogive) i need to see some in the air so i can take my next directi...
I got the chance to do a bit flying with it today. There were two videos of it flying but the first one must have had a malfunction 'cause it was only 15 seconds long. The one Wayne took got the ...
Did you get a chance to have a look Steve? I came down hard at my place, but not for very long.
Flying fisho Wrote: (13-01-2013, 09:29 PM) -- My pleasure Jason. I must admit I had a fair bit of trepidation in being the cameraman. Haven't done it before and I didn't think I could keep the plane ...
Get a DX6i minimum and get one of these
I'll raise you 10^3 to 5X10^6..................that is a lot of pox !!
Lamingtonator Wrote: (16-01-2013, 09:00 PM) -- Hi Everyone I've been down to the field a few times with a couple of your members, and I'm in the processing of becoming a member. I started RC fly...