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Here's some I took video of the last pylon day at Pitt town. The Red White and Blue Shoestring, flown by Wingtipper took 3rd place in EF1 Well done mate!! Ballsy effort, you can see from the video wha...
It should have been an excellent day for flying today!! I'm sorry I couldn't get down to the field I had fully planned to come down this morning with the boys but neither of them are very well. Th...
What an absoluetly sensational day !! The weather was perfect, the times were fast, the racing was super close as well. There was only one crash for whole day, which was a mid air between Micky T and...
Have a good one guys I'll be flying out at Pitt Town Tomorrow Had a great day's pylon practice today !!
Yes it's this weekend Pylon at Pitt Town !! Come allong for practice on Saturday racing on sunday.. Be there early registration from 8:30 Pitt Town bottoms rd Pitt Town. See you there !!
Hey thanks for the invite Rod !! I will definatly drop in if I head up that way !! Will have a look at you FB page tonight
A little more improvement this time to the connecting rods. These things get to flail around pretty hard down there in the crank case, I didn't want to take too much meat off them but I did want to ma...
In this class competitors can modify their engines and run what ever fuel they choose. Never in the history of areomodling have engines been so cheap this is an ASP 120 from HK for under $130 and the...
I did some more work on it this evening All the servos are in except the throttle This Kit goes together very nicely the fit of all the parts is brilliant !! I've used HXT 12 servos for ever...
All in good time Steve, probably better to put the bigger power plant in it and use an 8X4 prop instead of the 8X8 that would tame down the top speed and reduce the torque reaction and you'd till have...
Very cool Steven!! You can certainly race the Pogo in The EF1 class, That class is getting quite a decent following now you should come out to Pitt Town next weekend and have a look !!
After enjoying Pylon racing for a little while I thought I might give large scale racing a go. There are, I think only 3 or 4 events a year The models are not specifically racing models, and for most...
Don't forget it's pylon at Pitt Town weekend after next Practice after lunch on Saturday and race day Sunday!! It will be Fun !!
Be careful and try the spoilerons out when it's high up to see what they do. I tried them on the shoestring but found it reduces the aileron response a lot so I just fly it in. I know the designer of ...
AWSOME !! Sounds like you've got it pretty nicely sorted there Rod !!
I'm sorry to hear that your not well Bob. I really hope that your feeling better soon. Take care stay warm and we'll see you soon.
The rules actually give an APC part number for the prop, It's suposed to be that particular one but If all you had was HK you'd still be allowed to race it. It wouls be interesting to see how close a...
Looks like there will be a good turnout for Pitt Town, My Vipers are getting restless being cooped up in their big foam box all this time. The rear bears are ready for action too !!
I should be there a bit later in the day Enjoy the still morning air Guys :)
Hi Nathan Welcome aboard !! See you at the field !!
AaaarrrrrrgH Now that sounds very nice !!
Thanks for posting this Rod !! I'll be there probably not flying EF1 tho' I'm committed to Q-500 but I might race in FFC class if there's enough people comming. There should be It's usually a great t...
Too Drunk to Fly Wrote: (09-07-2014, 12:48 PM) -- G'day Jason, Sorry I must have had too many beers last night and forgot about a family commitment I have Saturday. I can make it Sunday to take thi...
Too Drunk to Fly Wrote: (08-07-2014, 10:57 PM) -- Ok, I'll add that to my pile. Honestly, as long you have COG correct, I don 't see why a different wing and tail plane would not work a trick. ...
Surplus to my requirements is one scratch build Fusalage. It was built as a second balsa prototype for a revised and fully composite version of Terry Stuckey's original speed 400 pylon design of the s...
Thanks Ben, It was a great day !! It was good to catch up!! I really liked the way your trycopter got allong I'd like to have a look at the plans for that one, Infact it would make a good thread for ...
Apologies for not getting there either, I fell asleep on the lounge and didn't wake up till late
Hope you get well soon Wayne !! Take care mate !! I'll be there at the new indoor venue
It's going to be windy in Nowra !! I'll be trying out the new practice plane after doing some mods to it today It's going to be interesting !!
You can actually run it with 6 if you look at the spread sheet it means heats of only two planes tho but it would still be fun as you can have everyone fly against everyone else. I think racing t...
We have an excellent racing class in the fun fighters!! In this class the all ingredients really are there !! They are swift fun little machines to fly, they are NOT difficult to control or fly a...
Nowra Pylon is on this comming weekend Here's the championship leader board for the various classes Look who's holding the number one place in EF1!! Can his lucky red Invictus hold them off again in ...
Pylon racing is on again at Nowra With practice on satterday 28th and racing on the Sunday Come and fly at another magnificent field join in the fast and furious action of RC pylon racing and s...
I'm interested too Shame that things had to turn out this way. It was a great shop and very well set up!! It was a pleasure to go there. I never had any problems with serivce there. I was happy t...
rocket41 Wrote: (16-06-2014, 08:09 AM) -- Hey Jason is the std spinner faster than the small aluminium one? -- I believe that you do get a modest gain in speed from using the standard spinner. ...
My standard PZ Trojan did the course OK with a 4S 1300 standard motor standard prop. So either of those packs will be fine. I'm Just trying to remember the times the Trojans were doing at Pitt Tow...
Pylon 3 ?? Oh yes, if he'd just made that visit to the optometrist, he may have seen the 3rd one. BWWwwwwaaaaa HAAaaawwwwwwwAAA Rhubarb........ Rhubarb........Rhubarb
Here's some video I put together from some odd bits and scraps I had taken
Perhaps we can we'll put it to the lads at Nowra. gotta be lucky on the 4th attempt ??
Yep it's pretty soggy this is what it looked like this afternoon
Just been down to the field and the strip is mostly under water The willows cup is Called of for Sunday once again due to flooding. here's a Pic
Things are looking up The sky is clearing heading down to the field shortly
The weather certainly is not looking good this morning It's been raining lightly but steadily for about an hour now I'm going down to have a look at the field before lunch to see how wet it is. At the...
That's interesting Andre!! I did some scale calculations years ago working on wind speed and turbulence. When you think of the scale factor in those terms it's pretty scary, an average day where the b...
I believe Ian is going to bring his corsair, so the Trojans have turned into somewhat of a foamy war bird class!! That will be good to watch !! It will be like Reno in miniature That Rare Bear...
I'm pretty sure SRL will race his, I'll take mine allong too. Any more takers??
It's looking a bit, touch and go at the moment. We really need all dry days before now and then The field will be quite wet at the moment I would think, tho' I haven't been down there to have a look ...
For servos I used HXT500s on the ailerons and 9g power HD's for elevator
I won't be there early but I might get down that way after lunch for a while
A bit more done this evening. The motors were removed the cling wrap went taken away leaving the motor mounts nicely bonded to the fuselage. Then any extra glue that drooled out and might rub on the m...