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I'll be there tomorrow, thanks guys :)
That's just GAY...... ! try watching that with this song going over the top...
I think I might try to get out there. Need to fly again.
I used to have an apprentice, great beginners plane. It will actually catch thermals with no power.... Also good for practicing areobatics (sloppy but fun, just remember down elevator when invert...
Very nice Kev :) What happened to the thread with that bloke who posted $50 zero's from hobbies in the hills? I was in there today buying srevos, (I never did like the zero) but walked out with one...
Fantastic :) must have been a windy day looking at those landings... Brilliant.
on order, so is my fury... F...n HUGE! when am I goin' build the rest of my lot..!?
Was all ready to go last night but 'cause I got a music festival this arvo, decided to sleeep in. Honestly would much rather go flying than some heavy metal festival.
Kylie didn't find it as amusing as I did.... :D
The internet, online hobbyshops, consumerism, a capitilast society and "rainy" La Ninio are bad ingredients for model areoplane stockpile syndrome... Yes I own more than I can make ( I am a slow ...
When I was a kid my dad made me a piper pawnee rubber band powered aeroplane. We still lived in Burwood at that time so my guess is I would have been around 7-8yrs old...., then we moved to Castle Hil...
Nope too drunk... ;-) Oh yeah... sorry, it didn't work.
Doesn't it suck when you're addicted to buying planes...(?) I've bee looking at these especially the 77inch model but then ...
That's huge Gary, this a pic of my new addition to the hanger... So I can't bring him down to the field but he does fly.... :)
Hey George, I'm pretty sure I paid around the $50-60 for it and yeah I'm sure I would use it eventually so, if I can't sell it for $45, I'll hang on to it. I use these in HK foam planes, nothing too...
I just found a Spektrum DSM2 6-channel microlite receiver(AR6110) in my box of stuff. I bought it last year sometime, but really don't need it at the moment. Already have a few others lying around. P...
I used to know were to get Dope....;) Seriously I've been (just out of interest) looking for Dope, and can't find it anywere. I remember buying tissue paper and dope when I wa a kid but seems to ...
I'll even throw in some earplugs....
For sale, one wife, 3months married, 30y.o, can't do much.... talks alot, good for parties and social gatherings. Starting price, 1 long neck of VB, might consider a stubbie.....
Personal preference but I've bought most planes from Modelflight, servos and motors from Ultimate Hobbies(cause they're my local), ESC's and batteries from HobbyKing.
Hi Wayne, ended up with a n 11x10 prop, and use 3.3amp 4s. The recomended prop was too close to the ground for the gravel field. I also found larger wheels from Ultimate hobbies and put one of th...
I feel a bit guilty, but I live in a unit and don't own a mower.....
Huh? Steve, I said I will..... (just can't do it tonight) sounds logical too :)
Thanks Kieran I'll try that. It's at work at the moment so, if I fly tomorrow I might duck in and pick it up and try that.
HI guys, I've got a problem setting up my stryker. I've done everything as per instructions, everything plugged into the right place, settings which should be reversed are reversed, but my elevator ...
My cousin sent me this....
Use distilled water for cleaning motors (I use this for cleaning telescope mirrors as well, doesn't leave streaks) but it also won't rust as there are no impurities.
I need to fly again.... ...... .... ........ ............:wired:
>>An appropriately powered Skyfun would make an excellent/cheap platform.
Interesting Andrew, thanks.
maybe this could be a goer...
Just curious, what plane which is fun to fly(sport type plane) would be a good GoPro platform? I don't have a GoPro yet, so not even sure what size plane to look for. I'm actually quite broke at th...
Hi Gazz, check out the planes from Hyperion, my chipmunk seems like it's good quality and they've got exactly the kinds of planes you're looking for. I'm thinking of maybe getting this http://www....
I'll be back again today but have to leave by 10:30.
I'll have my 'Advance' ready to maiden tomorrow, but I'll need an instructor by my side. Not only is this the largest and heaviest plane I will have flown but I also have not flown for a bloody long t...
Jason, you make shaping foam look so easy, I'm a bit jealous in how you can make a new plane for yourself so quickly. Nice work.... :thumbup:
Not sure if I've posted this site before but i recently purchased some things from here. There price on dremel bits seem to be cheaper than Bunnings. Good place to buy clamps and pins for building. H...
I feel like need to start a 'dream machine' thread. .... just paid for a stryker Q BNF for $269 fron modelflight but I want to next year after I'm confident enough..... http://greenairdesign...
Same as Claudio, quite pissed at the moment, might duck into area 51 just to say hello(haven't seen the place yet) , learnt last christmas what hang over flying will eventuate to..... sad days indee...
Hi Drew, sorry, despite the good weather I've been real busy lately (today was wifes 30th barbecue lunch) can't say when I will be back. I'll post on the Flying This Weekend thread next time I go. ...