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Full Version: Sticky: Flying this Week/Weekend 2022...
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Got a little too close to the power line tower during dive recovery, and it now has a new foam board decoration.
Hi Guys, is someone going to the field tomorrow?
There possibly be a few there tomorrow with a chance of a shower and moderate winds...
Walk in this weekend unless you have key for council lock.
(14-06-2019, 04:38 PM)peterh Wrote: [ -> ]Walk in this weekend unless you have key for council lock.
Council lock?
The gate is locked so we cannot drive in.
I'm Confused, council lock ? wheres Prcac Locks ?
First weekend free for a long time and i was going to come done  Frown
I don't know.
Yeah. Can’t unlock first gate but second is open.
You can drive around the first gate, just be careful, some obstacles to go around. Keep left against the big log and watch the plumbing to your right.
I’ve driven down. Only one here at the moment.
Rc Large Scale Jets In Quakers hill Today.
(16-06-2019, 10:23 AM)This has been cancelled for a later day
samste Wrote: [ -> ]
Rc Large Scale Jets In Quakers hill Today.
Gate is working.
(23-06-2019, 03:32 PM)peterh Wrote: [ -> ]Gate is working.

So is Anyone Thinking of Flying Tommorow ? or is the Field Too Wet
Hope to. Field has wet patches but good enough to fly.
I am going
There is a muddy wet patch at the base of the roadway coming on to the field, drive around this as you may get bogged. Field is fairly dry with wet patches around. A beautiful days flying today and expect the same tomorrow. It was very warm today too.
Gday, anyone going for a fly this Wednesday 3/7/19? I’m planning on doing some drone flying at 10 or 11am.
Looks like it’s going to be very windy tomorrow.
Sunday will be the better day - wind up to around 25kph. I’ll probably be down Sunday morning.
(12-07-2019, 11:41 PM)helijeli Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like it’s going to be very windy tomorrow.
Sunday will be the better day - wind up to around 25kph. I’ll probably be down Sunday morning.

Weather looks great this morning  Smile  

Batteries are charging

Edits Its Cold Outside ......
I piked out. Looked windier than I expected. I hope those who went down had fun.
Just got back,
Actually the wind was nil till 10am and then it was a bit of Wind on and off but was light/moderate  no where near gail force or strong, But i expect the wind  to pick up again late this afternoon and tonight.

Peter and his low fly buy and thought i get a Snap Shot  Biggrin 


Very Nice Flying by Ron and Pete with there home made Planes as well, they great great and float so nice.
Thanks Ron for the test fly
Hi guys, who is going tomorrow Saturday?

BTW I paid my membership fee 3 weeks ago, how long would it take to be officially a member?
Hi Gabino,
If you paid before end of June you are a member from 1st of July. With weather like it is some one will be flying.
Weather looks good for tomorrow, hoping to dust off some rc and be out there for some more flight time
Beautiful day and no one here

Great Day Flying, a few ended up coming down.

Thinking of heading down again Tommorow if Weather is Nice again
Sorry I'm moving into the new house. Or trying to get it ready.
I have a few more MAAA cards to give out, if I find a minute I will call in.
Also pylon racing tomorrow at Pittown Bottoms Rd.

(27-07-2019, 11:39 AM)samste Wrote: [ -> ]Beautiful day and no one here
Hi Steve,
I'm the guy who was there when you first arrived.  It was nice to chat with you.  Thanks for taking the time and interest.
(30-07-2019, 05:44 PM)TwoDogs Wrote: [ -> ]
(27-07-2019, 11:39 AM)samste Wrote: [ -> ]Beautiful day and no one here
Hi Steve,
I'm the guy who was there when you first arrived.  It was nice to chat with you.  Thanks for taking the time and interest.

Hi Robert,
Great to see you On Our Forum, Browse around on general side and enjoy.
About an Hour after you left we had few members arive, and Sunday we had quite a few more flying all sorts of planes.

Hoping This Weekend coming we have a bigger turn out, so if you have spare time come and visit meet other members which are more than happy to talk about everything
including rc   Smile

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