G’day Gabino,
Thanks for your post, and welcome to our forum. We’re always happy to welcome new flyers to the club.
1. The Parramatta Radio Control Aircraft Club, like all such clubs, is an MAAA affiliated association. You are issued an MAAA membership card when you join an official flying club.
4. Most modern remote control equipment conforms to relevant MAAA guidelines. I can go into further detail here, feel free to share the type of radio you use and I will endevour to advise whether it meets relevant standards and why.
5. When you join the club one of our suitably qualified members will evaluate your ability to fly with control, see
this link for context.
8. We have a sound level meter for testing louder aircraft.
11. In short, safety. I am sure you realise this, but I’ll point it out anyway. Flying with others improves your situational awareness greatly. It can also improve the safety of anyone who might stray into the flying area, as well as the pilot and the aircraft. I learned how important this can be when flying alone at the club field early one Saturday morning, when I was attacked by a large and very aggressive unaccompanied dog. The aircraft was quite a distance from me and I was quite a distance from the relative protection of my car.
Our club is available to members on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday. There are exceptions.
Yes, we can accomodate visitors however any pilot who doesn’t hold at least Bronze Wings must be accompanied by a current member of the club who does.
We love big planes and fast planes too, however due to the urban location and constrained size of our field we are limited in some ways. For example we are an electric only club so we don’t fly turbines, pulse jets or gas engines at our field. I’m not sure anyone has ever done 300km/h at our field, but some have been
quite quick.
Some rules may seem onerous and/or complicated but it’s really not too bad. Please feel free to come down to the field one day, we can help fill you in and bring you up to speed on most of what you need to know. If you do decide to come down please do post about it here so we can ensure someone is at the field who can open the security gates and assist you.
We are a friendly bunch, and all have a love of flying. We look forward to meeting you.
Kindest regards,
Jason B.
(Ordinary Committee Member)