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Field Condition...

Has anybody had a chance to view the field today when the rain eased up, I cant imagine it will look too pretty. My rain gauge has not been emptied for a while but I can say we have had 110mm rain since Sunday with the majority Tuesday & today.

I saw it last night from the other side of the road, well I saw a heap of water going over the weir so I'd say the field probably went right under again.
With this bit of wind and no more rain between now and then and it might be usable, tho' a litte soggy by the weekend.

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Can someone let me know if they had a chance to mow today (Friday 30/1). If they haven't I might get to the field a little earlier and take my mower.

It wouldn't kill me to miss flying for one day, but then again, why risk it.

I will join you Chris, given all the rain & more than a week since mowed, more than 1 mower will be needed to provide a reasonable landing strip. What time u planning on being there

Im suggesting early, say 7am?

It wouldn't kill me to miss flying for one day, but then again, why risk it.

Sounds good to me

A few mm of rain in the early hours of this morning that should not hamper mowing. Am heading to the field after loading the mower into the car for a few hours of grass & paspalum massacre.

Field mowed & ready for weekend fly. Far ends of runway & western cross strip unable to be mowed as was too wet. Catcher not used, all complaints to be made to complaints officer who will rectify. Please note complainant will be appointed complaints officer.

(05-02-2015, 12:00 PM)Flying fisho Wrote:  Field mowed & ready for weekend fly. Far ends of runway & western cross strip unable to be mowed as was too wet. Catcher not used, all complaints to be made to complaints officer who will rectify. Please note complainant will be appointed complaints officer.

Ha ha Biggrin

What Do You Mean Theres a Throttle Curve ?, Its Either all the way up or all the way down Tongue_smile

Strip is mostly solid & freshly mowed except the usual waterlogged areas. Hopefully with minimal rain, it should be good to fly on the weekend.

I am hoping for a good weekend, but I will be in Canberra flying off the imitation grass surface and drinking coffee in their Clubhouse.....bloody capitalists.

It wouldn't kill me to miss flying for one day, but then again, why risk it.

I have tomorrow off from work and planned on mowing the strip. It's currently raining hard & steady at the moment & experience tells me that there will be substantial water on the runway that may not recover sufficiently to allow mowing. If current rain reduces quickly, I will take an early trip to the field to determine it's mowability (if that is a word but you know what I mean). Fingers crossed.

Strip soggy but will mow where accessible. Going home now to collect mower.

I have tomorrow off and intend to mow about 8.30am. All of strip should be dry enough to mow but previously unmowed areas will be difficult. Any assistants with a mower will be appreciated..

Whilst I would love to help out, as I am now off work for 2 weeks, I had an Angiogram on Tuesday and can't drive for 48 hours. Also as they only used the camera, I am now on blood thinners as they found 2 blockages and have to have stents put in Tuesday next week. However, I will be there on the weekend to enjoy the fruits of your labour lol, but seriously Docs orders, no exertion of any kind.

It wouldn't kill me to miss flying for one day, but then again, why risk it.

No worries Chris, health comes first. PS I would hate to extend my mowing time by having to take you to hospital lol!!!!!!

Field in dry enough condition for everything to be mowed today. With minimal chance of minimal rain for the next few days, this weekend will see a rare full width & length of main & cross strips able to be utilised for take-off & landing, yeeeehaaaa. Shame I will not be able to reap the benefits of my labour, helping my son move house Saturday & Golf on Sunday.

(19-03-2015, 03:42 PM)Flying fisho Wrote:  Field in dry enough condition for everything to be mowed today. With minimal chance of minimal rain for the next few days, this weekend will see a rare full width & length of main & cross strips able to be utilised for take-off & landing, yeeeehaaaa. Shame I will not be able to reap the benefits of my labour, helping my son move house Saturday & Golf on Sunday.

Bad luck you won't be there to join us all. I will be down there at your usual time of 8-8.30 to open up.

BTW I noticed you missed a spot over there ------> \\ //

It wouldn't kill me to miss flying for one day, but then again, why risk it.

As previously posted, all complaints to be directed to complaints officer who will rectify. The complainant is the appointed complaints officer. Bring your scissors on Saturday Chris.

Well there's not much to complain about as you can see from the pic the field is in SENSATIONAL condition thanks to efforts of Wayne and Pete today!!

Just had to post this, Its the best it's been for quite a while


“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

looks good might give it a try Tomorrow

Foam fanatic!

My rain gauge accumulated 30mm rain yesterday but none today. That much rain would have definitely flooded the whole field but I am hoping it will have dried out sufficiently for at least a reasonable area to mow tomorrow to provide take-off/landing areas for the weekend. I hope to be there shortly after 8am to beat the midday heat. Willing helpers welcomed.

Surprisingly most of the runway was firm enough to mow today despite recent heavy rain. Lake McCoy remains unmowed & a small pooled area opposite. So there will be a narrow gateway to the end of the runway for those unable to pull up short from a left to right landing. The opposite end of the runway is shortened by about 6 metres. All in all the field is well prepared for a weekend's flying.
Council have mowed the longer grass that surround the runways except between the taxiway & heli practice area and our spectator area. Half the spectator area mowed due to running out of puff.

I had 3 Thursday flexidays in a row which allowed me to grab a good share of the mowing. Alas that has also been followed by 2 weeks without a flex & I will not be available to mow again tomorrow. Hopefully after last Mondays deluge, drier weather may allow the field to be mowed before the weekend. If not & the weather is fine enough to fly on the weekend, we can have a team of paspalum pluckers to clear the runway, (grass growth has slowed)

Looks like some rain happening tonite in castle hill... was planning to head to field in the morning with mower if any takers... will see how things look in the morning.

Yes it rained heavily for a time here in seven hills tonight

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Weather dependant I will be at the field for a mow about 8.30. Will mow what can be done considering tonight's rain.

With water at the base of the HV tower, it'll be a while before we're back flying. This shot was taken from the houses on the other side of the basin, looking northwards.


Steve Murray

Oh dear... Hopefully it dries up by Saturday 2nd May!!! Forget this weekend, even if by some miracle we get 2 days of sun this Thursday and Friday.

FrSky Q X7 Mode 2, Turnigy 9XR Pro and Evolution. Multirotors, planes plus a couple of heli's. Too many to list.

Aaaaand if the wife is reading this: "The club made me buy these planes, I had no part in it, honestly!"

Wow Ive never seen it like that before
We should try and get some more photos

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

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