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thanks for the advice Chris!Now I'm in 2 minds whether to drive or train it!Whatever happens as long at I see that beautiful eliptical wing and merlin throb then I won't worry too much on how I got there
Thanks again,
PS - have you seen the hobbyking mossie? very tempting and great reviews. It's in the Aus warehouse so postage won't be much........

hey there,
anyone ever been to the wings over illawara airshow?Just wanted to ask about travel to and from.They advise not to drive as their is no parking. As we've got 2 kids and it's a straight 3 hour train journey we're thinking of driving to a close train station and then take train from there. Any good/bad expeeinces with this?

Hi Simon,
I went to this airshow 2 years ago and drove. Sure it was a bit conjested from the end of the freeway at Albion Park, but it only took 10 minutes or so to travel down to the car park at the airport which is a distance of 2 kms from the freeway.
From memeory they charged $5 or $10 for parking but this was essentially a donation to the local SES or Life Savers I can not remember which. Parking itself was not bad and getting out after the show was about the same as getting in.
In your situation (taking children) I would not even consider taking the train, me I am definately driving a taking it as it comes. Remember after a hot day on the tarmac and you are back in your own car and the air-con is going a few minutes wait in traffic is nothing.
If I don't see or hear from you have a great day, just listen to the Merlins of the Spitfire & P51 purr.
Chris M


Wifey has had to pull out of the Airshow as she has a wedding booking. Is anyone interested in going in her place? Tickets down would be $200ish (The quicker you get back to me the cheaper) and there are the camping costs.

Departing 1400 Thursday & Returning Early Sunday.

Any takers?


So Kizza - I guess you're back now ... how did it all go?

Steve Murray

Bigger report on the way, short answer is that I had a great time but it was a terrible show!

Hmm ... intriguing!

Steve Murray


Well worth the wait. Some splendid photos and a job well done!!


Great Stuff Kieran, Looked like it was a great event overall.

Steve Smile

What Do You Mean Theres a Throttle Curve ?, Its Either all the way up or all the way down Tongue_smile

I thought you said it was a bit blah?
Your pics certainly make it look like a great weekend.
Nice report mate.

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

In terms of actual variety it was Very blah:
Hawk, F18 Classic, F18 Super, F16 Singapore, F16 USAF...
Of course I speak as someone thats been to several Avalon airshows, there was nothing new in the air. For the average punter it was pretty good.

The F-111 and F-15C was sorely missed, No F-22 Flight was a crying shame how it was handled (Leave it to the last moment to announce something they knew for quite a while)

They barely had enough program to fill up the days. Where in the past the planes were literally displaying on top of each other, this year there were good 5-10min chunks of nothing, On Saturday they all but shut down for an hour at midday! Yet they made the historical aircraft all fly together instead of spreading them out.

If I payed for gold class, I would have been severely disappointed... This year more than ever, all displays centered on the (empty) corporate tents rather than the traditional show center at the grandstands.

So yeah mixed emotions, I enjoyed myself, but not as much as previous years.

Great report mate.
Some nice photos again.

Jet Teng L39(Breitling)
Scratchbuilt F14 Tomcat(Pukin Dogs)
Vector X
Eflite F86 Sabre(Taz Tiger)
Qantas Airbus A380(Nancy-Bird Walton)
Boeing 737-800
ProEDF F16
Falcon 120(Gas Turbine)
Fly Fly F100 Super Sabre
Pheonix Tiger 6
VQ Models P61 Night Fighter
CY Models FW190


Hey Guys,
You may or may not know, I went to the Classic Fighters Airshow at Omaka NZ over Easter and it was fantastic. It was my first time in NZ and I had previously heard about Wanaka but did not know about Omaka until I stumbled onto it when surfing the web one evening.
Anyhow I took literally hundreds of photos and meant to upload the better ones but have been slack on this front. However today I came across a number of Youtube clips of the show and thought some of you maybe interested. The site also has clips of previous Wanaka shows and other warbirds from NZ. Have a look I'm sure that there will be something that interests all.

By the way the highlight of the show for me was to see for the first time up close my favourite plane, the F4U Corsair and Keith Skilling certainly can put it though its paces. See the clip below.

My next airshow that is on my calendar is the Temora show on the 19th November, where they will have their entire fleet taking to the air plus others.

ooooohhh that would have put a tingle in your spine!!

3 Useless things for a Pilot:
Air above you, Air in the tanks, Runway behind you.

EFLIGHT Blade 400, Inside a Jet Ranger Fuse
HK 500GT, Inside an EC-135 Fuse
ALIGN Trex 600
Durafly Spitfire
Blade MCPx
Mavic  2 Pro

So niceeeeeee..........................

Jet Teng L39(Breitling)
Scratchbuilt F14 Tomcat(Pukin Dogs)
Vector X
Eflite F86 Sabre(Taz Tiger)
Qantas Airbus A380(Nancy-Bird Walton)
Boeing 737-800
ProEDF F16
Falcon 120(Gas Turbine)
Fly Fly F100 Super Sabre
Pheonix Tiger 6
VQ Models P61 Night Fighter
CY Models FW190


Hi All,
This weekends is the Temora Aviation Museum's "Warbirds Downunder Airshow" so Tracy & I are having a couple of days away and leaving the kids at home to look after the pets. I have been looking forward to this airshow for several months and it is now just 2 sleeps away.

So if you like warbirds, especially ones that have Merlin's and are not doing anything on Saturday take a drive down the Hume to Temora - you won't be disappointed.

Therefore I won't be available to open up McCoy field if it is serviceable on Saturday or Sunday this W/E.

Cheers & have good one.
Chris M

Have fun Chris - and a few pics please!

Steve Murray

Well it's been and gone. Bit windy but no rain. Had some fun with a new camera.




Kevin And Gazz with their new PC9 model





Not bad Kev - four Trojans as well!

Steve Murray

(21-11-2011, 01:25 AM)yarrumevets Wrote:  Not bad Kev - four Trojans as well!

There was another one all by it's lonesome. There are quite a few more shots, in the end I ran out of battery charge.

Nice Pics,
Love the Boomerang. That would be a rare bird!!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Hey Kevin,
Glad to see that you made it down to Temora, sorry that we didn't see you there. If you tried to contact me via my mobile it would have been a fruitless exercise as Vodafone does not cover the Temora area (we lost coverage about 10kms in off the Hume Hwy).
Making the trip down was well worth it even though it was extremely hot dusty and windy. It made landing on the north/south runway very interesting with the crosswind.

I won't double up with Kevin's photos so I will add just a few of the many taken. This is the first airshow I have been to that you could position yourself under the glide path of the aircraft as they came into land, so I have some shots that I am very happy with. My only regret was that I didn't move there earlier.



Very nice shots guys Thumbup

Yes again, a good day at the office there Chris Smile

Steve Murray

Hi Chris, It's always great when you find that perfect photo taking position. I spent the first two hours standing under the wing of the Connie and out of the sun.

Any chance you got some good shots of the Boomerang? All mine are too small.

Hi Kev,
Unfortunately my shots of the Boomerang are also distance shots, I felt its display was well away from the crowd and we were located in front of the F18, plus there were a number of other parked aircraft which obscured our view when the planes were landing.
We moved from this location at around 11-30 as it got too hot without any shade, we were lucky to take shelter under a quick shade that one of the food stalls erected for general use.
Attached are my photos of the Boomerang which I have blown up.



If you must have Boomerang shots, Sorry if this constitutes cheating Wink

I would kill to have a spot on the glidescope, those photos are great!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)


But Kieran - where's that fantastic shot you took on the Friday afternoon of the Temora Jets weekend? That was a cracker!

Steve Murray

This one!?! Icon_twisted

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

OMG - no, not the "spirit level" shot, the one of the Boomerang Smile

Steve Murray

(23-11-2011, 01:23 AM)kizza42 Wrote:  This one!?! Icon_twisted

That shot is priceless and he didn't spill a drop!

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