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Oh, since this thread is about radios, and before the Spektrum folk descend on me, the endless binding problems is due to the tits on a bull DX4e and not Spektrum technology !!

Gday Dave

I suspect that the dx4 can "smell" the hardcore futaba fumes that you emanate and reacts the only way it knows how, ie shitting itself and unbinding.

Rob B

Yeh!!!... good try Dave... I have tried to stay impartial during this debate but as you seem intent on indirectly attacking MY radio and talking up your Fu thingy.... you have left me no option but to declare all out war, I like to consider myself a fair man, so I will stand by for your withdrawal from said war, I will now wait quietly in the back stalls for your response... ready to pounce...... be afraid .... be very afraid!

PS: You asked for it...........JR's RULE!

Gazz BiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrin

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

I like your radio Gazz. It reminds me of one of those Cylon Centurians out of Battlestar Gallactica.

Your JR:
[Image: CylonCenturion1.jpg]

My Futaba:
[Image: 022410_rg_CylonTeddy_01.jpg]

Hmmm seems I have started something here....
I should sus out the Jr systems, but I think I've decided on joining the bear army n getting the futaba. I should be able to grow nicely with that system

(08-03-2012, 08:49 PM)corsair_pilot Wrote:  Hmmm seems I have started something here....
I should sus out the Jr systems, but I think I've decided on joining the bear army n getting the futaba. I should be able to grow nicely with that system

and i should take up psychology . i was talking to secantogive about you last night , and we both believed you've already made up your mind on the futaba . my reasoning was that most people make up their minds before they ask a question , then listen to answers to try to change their mind , and unless 100% responses totally object due to a fault or something like that , the person asking the question never changes their mind .
well i got this one right . LOL .

patience !!Biggrin paaatience !!Paranoid paaaaaatience Tounge paaaaaaatieeence Lol dooooohhhh !!! Upset

DANGER WIFE CAN READ FORUMS . love you darling . sig changed .

Before this thread I was actually all for the spektrum, and it was a few comments about having the few extra channels that prompted me to have a better look around. I can get the Futaba about the same cost as the DX8, but with the extra channels, which i'm going to want down the track.
I'm also interested in flying helicopters, more for photography work with husky racing, and with Dave's expertise in that area could be handy.
Still want to actually touch and feel the radios before buying one.
Yes I'm leaning towards the Futaba but it's not set in stone yet.

(09-03-2012, 08:18 AM)corsair_pilot Wrote:  Before this thread I was actually all for the spektrum, and it was a few comments about having the few extra channels that prompted me to have a better look around. I can get the Futaba about the same cost as the DX8, but with the extra channels, which i'm going to want down the track.
I'm also interested in flying helicopters, more for photography work with husky racing, and with Dave's expertise in that area could be handy.
Still want to actually touch and feel the radios before buying one.
Yes I'm leaning towards the Futaba but it's not set in stone yet.

i dont think you can go wrong with the hi end radios you are looking at . i rememeber futaba as always being the leading brand ,years ago . but JR was an alternative , and hi tech for the rebels . spectrum now are hard to look past . i hated the look of the DX6i and didnt want it , but got it and am wrapped , anything above the DX6i or DX7 and i think your in RC TX HEAVEN . . on that basis , i'd love to see a 12 channel radio and interested to see why one would need 12 channels , but there must be a need if they make em . cheers . Thumbup

patience !!Biggrin paaatience !!Paranoid paaaaaatience Tounge paaaaaaatieeence Lol dooooohhhh !!! Upset

DANGER WIFE CAN READ FORUMS . love you darling . sig changed .

Hey Frank,
I have been doing my research on the JR radios today. they are nice radios, and could see the benefits of one of those, especially since they are backward compatible with Spektrum rx and tx.
I think now it will come down to which one feels nicer between the jr and the futaba and naturally the cost.
I guess I have a couple of future plans that would require more than 8 channels.
I am actually looking at making a couple of warbirds, and with the corsair I would like to be able to do something with retracts, folding wings, possible bomb drops and then either a smoke pod or ejecting canopy, mainly for no other reason than I can.
Which will take me well over the 8ch.
I also want to have a look at some of the helicopter set ups with videos for husky racing.
I want to be able to come up with a camera and helo set up that will allow my to get some awesome footage of the racing. I've found a few that have servos to control the camera needing a few extra channels. Hence my reason why I want a few more than most

(09-03-2012, 01:02 PM)corsair_pilot Wrote:  Hey Frank,
I have been doing my research on the JR radios today. they are nice radios, and could see the benefits of one of those, especially since they are backward compatible with Spektrum rx and tx.
I think now it will come down to which one feels nicer between the jr and the futaba and naturally the cost.
I guess I have a couple of future plans that would require more than 8 channels.
I am actually looking at making a couple of warbirds, and with the corsair I would like to be able to do something with retracts, folding wings, possible bomb drops and then either a smoke pod or ejecting canopy, mainly for no other reason than I can.
Which will take me well over the 8ch.
I also want to have a look at some of the helicopter set ups with videos for husky racing.
I want to be able to come up with a camera and helo set up that will allow my to get some awesome footage of the racing. I've found a few that have servos to control the camera needing a few extra channels. Hence my reason why I want a few more than most

sounds good mate . like ya style . cameras , FPV, flight bombs and smoke , with folding wings and a parachuting pilot . Biggrin

patience !!Biggrin paaatience !!Paranoid paaaaaatience Tounge paaaaaaatieeence Lol dooooohhhh !!! Upset

DANGER WIFE CAN READ FORUMS . love you darling . sig changed .

Am going to do a round of hobby shops today I'm hoping.
I've found good prices for the futaba, and seems like I'm having issues finding the JR radio that I was looking at. When it comes to buddy flying, if I had a dual receiver would that mean I could still buddy with someone if i have futaba and they have jr or spektrum?

G'day Jonathan

You need to have the same system as the pilot you are buddying with.
So, a futaba tx will not buddy with a jr/ spectrum and vice versa.
Dual receivers won't resolve that issue.
Just be aware that if you go futaba you will have to buddy with Dave skidz.
Having said that Dave will require you to install an approx 1m diameter variable pitch "prop" on your aircraft + utilise a vertical launch bungee system.
Rob B

Rob B

Haha thanks Rob.
Wasn't sure if those dual receivers would work.
I'll do some looking while I'm out and about today and see what I come up with

G'day Jonathan

No worries mate, have a shop around however please check out Model Flight.
Their service and prices are hard to beat.
Also, would you like to "borrow" my dx8 and a couple of receivers for a weekend?
A try before you buy per se?
I would be happy to help you install/ program etc.

Rob B

Hi Rob,
Thanks for the offer. The Dx8 is certainly a radio I was still looking at.
I was looking a modelflight quickly this morning. I'll have another look this arvo.
I may take you up on that offer Rob. Just gotta find a dry weekend!
Will post this arvo how I went.
Gettin excited n frustrated with all this rain!

Flame suit zipped on tight..

Came across this. Had a chuckle. I am a minority so I have to do these things.


After getting one of these the other day.
All I can say is that:

The final word, as far as transmitters go, is TARANIS

Here's a link describing some of it features........................Amazing to say the least !!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Hi Jason. Do you know, if there's a PDF copy of the manual for download, I like to do that before I even look at the product as it is a very good way of assessing the product.

At the moment, I am really really frustrated, with my DX7 . I tried to set up a new model for my Blade MQX Quadcopter. Instead of setting it up. The new model. I think I've damaged some of the settings for my Trojan, but not sure, the problem with that the DX7 . Is it is our helicopter radio that
I bought second-hand and the manual is very vague on how to set up new aircraft, the only ones that seem to be expert Steve and Kieran
kind regards, Bob.


(19-09-2013, 01:23 PM)BOB Wrote:  Hi Jason. Do you know, if there's a PDF copy of the manual for download, I like to do that before I even look at the product as it is a very good way of assessing the product.

The Taranis uses an open source "operating system" called OpenTX. It's now several years old, having initially been developed as replacement (vastly improved) firmware for the FlySky/Eurgle/Turnigy 9x transmitter. Being open source, OpenTX is continously improved, at a rate which far outpaces anything the industry stalwarts can muster.

In its various earlier guises, OpenTX was known as TH9x (Thus - the German hacker who first documented the 9x internals), er9x (Erez Raviv - another skilled hacker), and finally Open9x. Hardware limitations of the 9x eventually caused another notable individual to develop and sell the ErSky9x replacement "guts" for the 9x, and Open9x was adapted to that as well. When FrSky's plans for their own Tx hardware were made public, OpenTX was the natural choice.

The Taranis is the first of several planned FrSky transmitters, with the "Horus" and an as-yet-unnamed 16ch tray radio to follow in the future. Feedback on the Taranis has been excellent. Personally, I love mine and I think it instantly makes obsolete just about every other Tx, with the possible exception of a couple of the $1000+ models, just cos they're so expensive (there must be a reason, eh?). Programming-wise, OpenTX is king. Nothing else comes close. Because of its complexity and sheer depth, I wouldn't recommend it to technophobes and the absolute beginner, but anybody who is committed to the hobby and who enjoys tinkering will find it a pleasure to use.

Here's a walkthrough by Andre Bennet:

Taranis YouTube "How To" videos by Scott Page:

Taranis review by

Hope that's useful Smile



Nice post Andre Smile

Steve Murray

(19-09-2013, 03:09 PM)smuzz Wrote:  Nice post Andre Smile

Thanks Steve Smile

It's no doubt obvious, but I'm a huge fan of the OpenTx/er9x software, and almost any hardware that runs it. The HK 9xr is a bit of a dud IMHO, due to some dubious design decisions, but the Taranis is a vastly better proposition.


The thing I like about it is: with the companion software which you can d/load it for free, there is a simulator so you can try out the Taranis's programing system, move the virtual sticks and see the resultant virtual servo out puts.

It didn't take me long to put together a programme for a flying wing I want to build, with ailerons and flaps and dual rudders (mounted on the tip fins).
I set it up so the dual rudders can be used as air breaks with the flick of a switch they'll move out in opposite directions to a predetermined or dialled up amount and still act as rudders when the rudder stick is moved.
The flaps can be switched to act as flaps or elevons at the same rate as the outer elevons or with the flick of a switch, at a different rate, in just the elevator input so washout is automatically added as elevator is applied. And it can just as easily be switched out of that and to crow break configuration as well.
There are 9 flight modes so I can probably have all dual rates, for all controls, in all modes, operated by one switch as well.................. How nice is that !!

It has a really neat programming system It's very flexible and not too difficult to use. There are a lot of "How to" videos on Youtube and there are some templates already set up in the Taranis as it comes.
You can have a go at it with out even buying one !! By using companion9X's Taranis simulator

Just Brilliant !!!!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

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