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Comparison of Radio Brands

Thanks to several posts on the PRCAC whatsapp, I now have seen an amazing comparison of major radio brands. This video is a big deal, given no comparison  of this quality has ever been posted, AFAIK. It was posted in Aug 2023.

The video:

It was made by a Canadian blog:

The comparison included Futaba, Spectrum, Frsky (tested with single band 2.4 Ghz rx, and a dual band rx (2.4 Ghz, 900 mhz)), Jeti (4 rx types), Radiomaster (boxer and Tx16s running elrs), JR, and an obscure radio brand, Powerbox.

The test was a severe one with txs and rxs at ground level, given that it is well known RC links improve when planes are in the air. When the rx was driven 1 km from the tx at home base there was a dip in the road, and within a further 500m all the radios had glitches except the Radiomaster at 250 mw and 100mw power, and the Frsky with dual band rx. After driving past this depression in the road many radios did not recover a signal on the gentle incline up a hill (Spectrum, Futaba, JR, Powerbox). The ones that did recover were Frsky (single band), Jeti (all rx types), and RM at 25mw power (see attached results).

At around 5km the top of the gentle incline up a hill was reached, and on the other side of this hill all the radios soon lost signal: Frsky at 5.7 km from base, RM (250 mw) 6.6km, and the RM 100mw and 25mw at 5.7 km.

RM/elrs was the clear winner, even though it was placed at a disadvantage because RM's (arguably) best feature - dynamic power - was not used in the test. In second place was Frsky Tandem dual band; its interesting that the difference between Frsky single band and dual band was apparent.  At PRCAC, I found that Frsky dual band (2.4 and 900) gave no control glitches while single 2.4 band rxs had glitches. I sold my Frsky Tandem X20 2 months ago.

RM's win is more remarkable because it is priced lower than the other big name radios, and compared to Jeti, Futaba and Spectrum, much lower.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

That video caused a lot of anger on varous forums, as people jumped in to bash the methodology, but nobody else has done an equivalent or better test.
It's a good example of 'real-world' use, as there was no special setup or anything for any of the systems.

The ground level only nature of it may have exacerbated the signal issues, but either way I'm happy with my ELRS setup!

(21-02-2024, 12:29 PM)caffeine Wrote:  That video caused a lot of anger on varous forums, as people jumped in to bash the methodology, but nobody else has done an equivalent or better test.
It's a good example of 'real-world' use, as there was no special setup or anything for any of the systems.

The ground level only nature of it may have exacerbated the signal issues, but either way I'm happy with my ELRS setup!
The test certainly gains much kudos for being the only one that addresses the main issue - control link loss. The result shows elrs was the winner and not by a narrow margin. 

I think the results agree or resonate with the experience of people who have switched to ELRS, e.g. I was impressed that the test demonstrated  the difference between Frsky dual band and single band, which I earlier detected at PRCAC when I flew with Frsky X20 tx. 
I also think if the test had turned on elrs dynamic power, the RM on 25mw power that had the glitch at the 1 km mark (where there is a depression in the road) would not have had the glitch as the dynamic power would have jumped.

A detailed discussion of the comparison occurred on RC Groups:

Some of the posts express outrage at the result, given the complexity of the comparison and the shortcuts that were necessary to get it done. A few posts acknowledged this is the best comparison we have.

Some said testing the radios on the ground was not relevant, and if tested in the air Spectrum would have performed better.

One positive outcome is a discussion of how to do a comparison that would overcome the problems identified in the current comparison (the only one we have).

Contraversial !! I did see a 100km range air test of ELRS Not sure how the other makes would go in that scenario?

I don't think it's a hollow claim as CASA fined the guy a few grand for doing it. And rightly so, pretty irresponsible but Its hard to ignore the performance of ELRS. I'm in the process of converting my stuff over to ELRS now.

Here's the link to the video, CASA made him take it down but someone in has put it again. I would'nt condone doing this kind of thing unless you went through the correct process of getting permissions. It's not primerily the fine but the risk to manned avaition that is the real concern!!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

The above video is really a blast, as someone said better than a spaceX rocket launch.

Very cheap and they work.,scm-url:1007.40000.327270.0,pvid:47e76267-76ba-4042-b8a6-d713c08432ad,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238111%231996&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21AUD%2167.00%2118.09%21%21%21311.18%2184.02%21%402101c5c317108273808093914ea8db%2112000034504558247%21rec%21AU%213343242009%21&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller%7Cquery_from%3A

I just bought another 4.
Good price from the local resellers too.¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwzN-vBhAkEiwAYiO7oKKkIkmKNWQpbGoXd0_PCtf7xznwh60kDfnpzqQewmhtDA2snxN3wBoC2WgQAvD_BwE


Go to the 22 min.

We are not the only field with problems. I've been fine with the FRsky Archer plus(2.4 only). Having a small flying area at Mccoy has limited the problem.
I'm keen to test Archer plus and Flysky on the 4in1 module. that will give our RadioMaster members the ability to have full telemetry to test motors and props with Escape32.


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