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Going FPV (aka switching to the dark side...)

I have flown RC planes for many decades including ones with glo motors, with diesel motors, and finally electric motors, with intermittent slope gliding on the side. But I never flew an FPV plane or drone before March this year. I became interested in the elrs RC protocol when I had reception problems at the field over the last year or so. Elrs introduces you to various aspects of drone flying such as arming, frequent updating of firmware, the elrs configurator and more; I also used online gurus such as Bardwell, Newton and Painless360 and others (for various RC issues such as lipo charging, lipo fires, antennas, tx and rxs, etc.) who are FPV and/or drone specialists to a varying degree. These people got me thinking about FPV....

Without much further thought I decided to give FPV a try in March. The first decision you have to make is the video system, I selected the DJI O3 video system, which does not come cheap.

I purchased DJI Integra goggles for AUD  $609 from a Sydney D1 store, and a small BNF drone (GEPRC DarkStar20 HD O3 Cinewhoop) for USD 390 with shipping from the GEPRC website, which cost AUD 609. In dronetalk  O3 means you use the DJI O3 video system that requires DJI goggles, its the most expensive video option and accounts for around half of the cost of an O3 equipped drone. Experts agree DJI gives the best video and highest resolution cine-recording, however there is now a serious challenger: the Walksnail Caddx goggles L which work with a number of Caddx onboard video systems, the best being the Caddx Moonlight video system. The goggles L are supposed to be available for USD 200, but they are very scarce and sold out almost everywhere. However AliExpress has the goggles x in stock for AUD 346. Then you might consider that PhaserFpv sells the highly rated Caddx GoFilm 20 Cinewhoop RTF drone with Walksnail Moonlight Camera for AUD $609.00 

So if you chose Walksnail rather than DJI you would save some money (not alot) and get a fpv system with video that for most pundits compares well to DJI, but also has other advantages that Andrew Newton enumerates:
In particular you do not have to choose the most expensive Caddx camera (the Moonlight camera) on your drone as there are cheaper Caddx cameras that give quality digital video; all Caddx cameras work with the goggles L.

Its worth mentioning that most fpv pilots are still using analog video despite a trend to go digital, its much cheaper and if you accept the lower quality analog video you can get great cheap drones that are very competitive for drone racing, and for long range drone applications. Analog drones can have lower latency than digital for racing, and are easier to set up for long range.

I had a tx with a elrs module already, so I expected it would be easy to get started, you simply bind the drone to your tx, then bind the drone to your goggles. But in my case I had to visit the D1 store where I purchased the goggles to achieve the drone-goggles bind. This turned out to be because you also have to use special DJI software to "activate" the goggles, welcome to DJI (NB most people can do the bind without having to visit the D1 store).

When I completed a line of sight test flight on my Darkstar20, it was time for the first flight with the goggles. I was astonished how I became immersed in the flying with sensations of either sitting on the edge of a cliff or falling over a cliff, and how strongly I became orientated with the drone as though sitting in the cockpit. I struggled through the first flight to avoid falling over when the drone banked, and in subsequent flights I always sit down to avoid falling. I expected FPV to be a kind of variation on line of sight flying, and the sensation of flying turned out to be something very different. I do not expect to fly LOS again.

I select drones that are small and/or quiet in order to have the option to fly in local parks. I always avoid flying near people or houses etc so I now fly in national parks and over water in the Sydney basin, with takeoff and landing in small clearings or parks beside a river, the harbour or bushland. With practice it is fairly easy to land a drone with precision in tight spots at very low speed, and I often use angle mode (stabilised flight) in order to increase accuracy when landing. This type of drone flying - exploring the local environment - is discussed online by Captain Drone, and it often involves video photography. It is very different to drone racing, and to freestyle drone flying where larger heavier drones predominate.

I know a number of plane flyers now use stabilised flight and flight controllers for training or assistance with manoeuvres, but I had no experience with it before drone flying. Flights over rivers, national parks or the ocean always involve a small risk of loss, as models cannot be retrieved, its the same risk as flying slope soarers off cliffs.

FPV drones are smaller, lighter and less conspicuous in the air than FPV planes, and are much easier to store and transport. FPV planes need more open space for takeoff and landing. There have been major advances in FPV tech in the last few years, the biggest possibly being the DJI O3 air unit which brought high resolution video to even the tiny drones.

New drones are appearing on the market with great frequency possibly stimulated by the new US <250 g rule, which requires a "remote id" and registration for drones or planes over this weight limit. Every week yahoo gurus like Captain Drone and Rimzler and many others review a new drone, and there is agreement (a) the new drones today are better than in previous years and that (b) the small drones can do anything the larger ones can do, although small drones are slower. Painless360 is full of praise for the new FPV planes that are mostly BNF or ARF.   

To make or repair your own drone good soldering skills are essential and people use practice circuit boards to develop these skills. Doing it yourself can reduce costs.

Drones have their downsides apart from being more costly than planes:

- they are now associated with armed conflicts occurring in many countries, and considered a weapon of war which seems a bit unfair as they are also an indispensable tool for many key occupations such as farming, environmental planning and management, construction and housing, surveying, motion-picture photography, advertising, scientific measurements of many kinds etc.

- They are blamed for pervs looking in windows of houses, which Bardwell says is an urban myth.

- There is yet another steep learning curve which may put off some people who have just done the elrs curve. As well as the elrs configurator, you now have the betaflight configurator to deal with settings on the flight controller etc.

Despite all this I expect there will soon be FPV planes flying regularly at PRCAC....

You're describing my recent train of thought. I've been eyeing off a small 2S drone with the O3 air unit for a while (a happymodel Mobula8) but tossing up whether to get a 5in drone for only a little bit more (iFlight Nazgul)

I was also thinking a headtracking system mounted to an FPV plane would be pretty amazing too, something like the motionsic badass gimbal , however I'm prone to motion sickness so I am hesitant to drop $1800 on something that's going to be unusable for me.

(24-08-2024, 12:48 PM)caffeine Wrote:  You're describing my recent train of thought. I've been eyeing off a small 2S drone with the O3 air unit for a while (a happymodel Mobula8) but tossing up whether to get a 5in drone for only a little bit more (iFlight Nazgul)

I was also thinking a headtracking system mounted to an FPV plane would be pretty amazing too, something like the motionsic badass gimbal , however I'm prone to motion sickness so I am hesitant to drop $1800 on something that's going to be unusable for me.

The Mobula8 is a very good drone, but if you buy it with the O3 air unit remember you are kinda locked into DJI forever. If you bought a version with a Caddx Walksnail video system then you could buy the Caddx Walksnail goggles L for a lower price, and enjoy good digital video with the greater flexibility and advantages Andrew Newton talks about in the link in my previous post. You are of course then locked into Caddx/Walksnail but the cell is bigger and there are more choices for video units.

If you go DJI, you can get the Integra goggles (the lowest cost option) but I believe the new DJI Goggles 3 which cost much more are now firmware upgradable to work with the O3 air unit. That is it as far as goggles go.

The Goggles L support head tracking, both Newton and Ian (Mads Tech) have reported on this and their youtube vids show it working and claim it is straightforward to install. I suggest start without head tracking as you may have your hands full with your initial drone. 

On motion sickness: a problem with FPV is there is no easy way to test whether you can handle it, prior to sinking a large amount of cash into your drone and goggles. I get acute anxiety on the edge of a tall cliff or peering over the roof of a skyscraper, and I still experience this when I fly high in the drone and look down (by pitching down). I still sit in a chair to avoid falling over when banking, while other pilots after a few months can easily pilot while standing.

A 5 inch drone: the value is there and if you like speed demon freestyle and fanging, or plan to race, it is something to consider. If you went analog, you could get a much lower cost setup that I expect would be a blast to fly, its not my preference but I get it.  It is not inconspicuous in your local park.

I forgot to mention my favorite drone is the Geprc Tern LR40 with O3 air unit, from Geprc; you can also buy an analog version or buy one without the O3 and install your own video system. Its a 4" drone, 4S, that is very quiet, and also very agile and it is great to fly, also you get up to 9 minutes flying time with 850 mah lipos. Its weight is 249 g.

Good info, thanks.

I'm not interested in analog video, i figure if I'm going to do it, then i want to do it properly.

I like the look of the goggles 3. Perhaps the mobula is the way to go

I think the mobula8 with the O3 is a good choice. I recall extensive discussion by Bardwell and Ian (Mads tech) on the firmware upgrade that allows goggles 3 to work with O3 air unit (which it initially did not for about 6 months I believe), but I have not tested this myself. Most people using the O3 air unit use the Goggles 2 or the Integra, and both give excellent quality. You might consider whether you can get a discounted goggles 2 now that the new goggles 3 is widely available.

On "going fpv": one of the most important issues is that it is possible to overheat and damage a vtx unit on a drone if the lipo is left plugged in when the drone is not airborne. Its a great idea to have a small fan on the workbench that you point at the vtx whenever you are working on the drone and have power going to it - I use a small fan with a rechargeable battery, its probably overkill but this fan is also great for cleaning keyboards and lots of stuff:

A common situation is when your drone is connected to the laptop and betaflight configurator, and sometimes you use the lipo to power the drone while its connected to the laptop.

a further thought on going FPV and flying with a plane

Andrew Newton has done many videos on flying FPV planes with various equipment, but the technology is advancing rapidly. Here is a great new video to watch to see how to get into FPV flying with an aircraft fairly simply and at fairly low cost using a new video system and the above mentioned Caddx (Walksnail) goggles L. The high definition digital video (seen in the goggles L and in the recording) is of excellent quality. Professionals may say the goggles L is not quite as good as the DJI goggles with the DJI O3 air unit, but for practical purposes it is as this youtube vid demonstrates.

WalkSnail Avatar HD Kit V2 by Andrew Newton

This video review by Captain Drone says almost nothing new: it confirms what basically all the other reviewers are saying, that the new Walksnail Avatar FPV Goggles L have impressive digital video quality, are an alternative to DJI goggles, and they cost less.

If you search youtube for the Walksnail goggles L, there are many reviews, I think all are positive or very positive. If you wear glasses and have a correction > 1.5 diopters (I think), you can order a set of corrective lens that fit inside the goggles L from the Caddx website

here is a video that explains how you purchase the frame, and then submit your optical prescription to Caddx to provide the lens.

Captain Drone missed this point in his review and incorrectly concluded he could not use the goggles L as he has a major difference in lens requirement between his 2 eyes.

(24-08-2024, 12:48 PM)caffeine Wrote:  You're describing my recent train of thought. I've been eyeing off a small 2S drone with the O3 air unit for a while (a happymodel Mobula8) but tossing up whether to get a 5in drone for only a little bit more (iFlight Nazgul)

I was also thinking a headtracking system mounted to an FPV plane would be pretty amazing too, something like the motionsic badass gimbal , however I'm prone to motion sickness so I am hesitant to drop $1800 on something that's going to be unusable for me.

My HappyModel mobula8 (Walksnail version) arrived and I was able to connect it to betaflight configurator which reported:
[]# Betaflight / STM32F405 (S405) 4.3.2 Nov 28 2022 / 07:26:30 (60c9521) MSP API: 1.44]

Its Betaflight version 4.3.2.  I am used to drones by Geprc which arrive with the latest betaflight 4.5. Changing the betaflight version is a big deal as it affects the factory pid tune which you generally want to avoid.

In connecting the drone in wifi mode to the elrs website:
HappyModel EP1/2 2.4GHz RX
Firmware Rev. 3.0.1 (2470fc) ISM2G4
Being elrs v3, it meant I could readily bind the drone to my tx.
In betaflight everything seems to be working OK, the drone arms correctly and rx controls are ok. But I cannot fly it as my Walksnail goggles L have still not arrived.   
I am concerned by this on the happymodel website:
"We recommend buyer to re-flash the elrs rx firmware after received Mobula8 UART to fix vtx power level changed incorrect by betaflight msp control. You can dowload the firmware and flash by wifi." I do not know if this warning is relevant to my drone. However insufficient vtx power causing loss of video signal is my biggest concern in fpv, and I have already lost one drone to this problem.

On the elrs discord I searched for mobula8 and there are a number of buyers who are having range issues (can only fly up to 30m). This may explain the need to "fix vtx power level".

When I get my mobula8 in the air I will comment on whether I have range issues and any necessary fixes to the firmware. I am disappointed I received a drone in Sept 2024 which had Nov 2022 betaflight firmware. I think the Geprc Darkstar may be a better choice.

That is a bit concerning!

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