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Eflite Rhapsody E25 build & maiden

OMG Shock what am I doing, took a trip to Hobbies in the Hills today and started looking at planes to make use of the motors from deceased planes and came home with this.
Recommended motor Eflite Power 25 870kv or power 32 770kv. Have a Turnigy G32 770 kv & a 60amp turnigy plush and ample micro servos sitting here doing nothing and are a perfect match. At least this time I am coming home with a new plane and no need to add an extra $5-600 to get it into the air.
Am not going to hurry so dont expect to see advancements on this thread for a while (maybe a week, give or take a week Lol )

Looks gorgeous Wayne!

<table width="100%" border="0"><tr>
<span title="No longer arboreally challenged!">Parkzone Stinson SR-10 </span>
Extra-300S EPP
<del>F-18 Blue Angels 64mm EDF</del>
<span title="Why won't it die?!">HK Mini Cessna EPO</span>
Spektrum DX6i - Mode 1</td>
<td valign=top>
Parkzone T-28 Ultra Micro
SRL Index
CloudsFly / AXN Floater
"2x6" basla/ply kit built glider
SBach 1000mm</td>
<td valign=top>
Skyartec Cessna 182 (small UAV)
UAV-168 (bigger UAV)
<span title="2nd-hand; rebuild on-hold">"BigBoy" Hugin (biggest UAV)</span>
<span title="For invading small countries">X-8 flying wing</span></td>

Way to go Exocoetidae
I think that is a great purchase, Eflite airframes are brilliant and I don't know anyone else who has one ... so that has to be a bonus!

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

Thanks Claudio & I do agree with it's looks.
You had me stumped for a while Gazz, had to google Exocoetidae Lol , well done. Although I am hoping you are not referring to Potanichthys xingyiensis of this family of Flyng Fish being the oldest known fossil of this family.
I have a liking for Eflite as well, good airframes, and the quality of the instructions hopefully means I won't have to ask too many questions. Accordingly I am looking forward to this build, although according to the Eflite website I will have 7-9 hours of this enjoyment Shock .

Nice work Wayne - yep, my last trip to HitH to get a single roll of red solarfilm resulted in me getting back home with the Eflite PT-19 ... don't quite know how it happened, but it did.
You're right about the construction/instruction booklet too - the most obvious difference from what we might be used to Smile
It should go pretty well on a G32 on 4S too.

Steve Murray

Darn toot'n it will be well powered, same power train as my first set-up of my old Pulse (similar weight)which had it flying over 150 clicks, difference will be that I will be pitching down on the prop as I dont want to fly it at that speed. Will have approx 135 watts of power per lb.

I'm looking forward to having a close look at it Wayne
It looks really nice in the pictures and eflight does make very nice planes!!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

(07-05-2013, 09:54 PM)gbanger Wrote:  Way to go Exocoetidae
I think that is a great purchase, Eflite airframes are brilliant and I don't know anyone else who has one ... so that has to be a bonus!

Well, I do... but as I said to Wayne, it will be a wall ornament for the next few years. Lol

Should be an interesting flier, with a wider than usual wingspan for a bipe... but most importantly, they look cool.

Signature overload. That list just got ridiculous. However, Funcubs are .... fun.

It looks very nicce Wayne. And the video on the Eflite website is "wow".Thumbup


"Crash and Cry! Don't fly"

RadioBiggrinX9 & DX8
HK Cri Cri ugly,Super Cub 1870mm balsa, Sbach 1000mm balsa, Vampire, Katana E50 balsa, BA Hawke 90mm (on hold for large runway), Durafly BF110, Corsair,
EScale Zero
Freewing Eurofighter Typhoon & SU-34
Starmax F5e Tiger & 70mm F-18
FMS T-28 Trojan, P-38 Silver, 50mm F-86, C-17 Globmaster

Fly fly F-100
B-25 2.0m LX and A10 1.5m Langxiang (being glassed and re-built)
Seagull Super Tucano

Will have to look after it, I think it is a discontinued model.
Yeh, I loved the video too, great looking slow & snap rolls. I have tried to find out if it is modelled after a real plane but have had no luck on the net
I am trying to achieve a varied repertoire of planes that all fly differently. Ultimate aim is advancement of flying skills with an added bonus of heaps of fun that will be provided by this one.

As I said in my first post on this thread, the instructions provided, meant that I did not have to ask too many questions. Probably one of my quickest ARF builds to date. A few little hickups along the way but nothing too drastic.
As this is a discontinued model there isnt much use expanding on it's build, except to say 99.9% ready for maiden which should be today. Needs 1 pilot (2.5" w x 2.5" h) & "dummy motor" to fill in 100mm hole on front of cowl.

Wayne, I too have been searching for the origin of design of this model, and I think I found it.

There is a stunt team in the US who have a 1940 Stearman that has had an oversized P&W engine (along with it's cowl) fitted, and named "Royal Rhapsody". The colouration, pants, top wing profile and single seat configuration differ, but who knows how it has been configured throughout the last 60 years.

Close enough? I think so to call the mystery solved, with a little artistic license from Eflite.

[Image: 4745012805_1a63fdc5c4_z.jpg]

Signature overload. That list just got ridiculous. However, Funcubs are .... fun.

Finished the build and now just waiting for an oportunity to maiden.
Being a discontinued model, so are the optional extras, most importantly the dummy motor to cover the gaping opening in the front of the cowl. Decided on making one myself and although not an exact duplicate of the original, still involved some tedious work.
Started out with a 10cm disk of 3ply balsa. Used a 10cent piece to mark out the centre cutout. A 37mm & 32 mm ply disks glued over the centre hole. A protractor assisted in drawing 12 radial lines at 30deg intervals. Drew parallel 6mm either side of them which created 12 triangles to cut out with a hobby knife. Glued mini paddlepop sticks over the top of all radial spokes & painted all grey. Painted hobby matchstick orange & glued them either side of the paddlepop sticks hey presto a dummy motor facade.
Final touches, top ailerons were warped so clamped trailing edge of either end of ailerons to the wings & used the iron to smooth out resulting wrinkles & bingo straight ailerons.

Nice work mate.... what is with you and superseeded models?

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

Just my luck, dont find out until after I buy them. is definitely a disadvantage, but hey they have been beautiful models ie. MXSR & Rhapsody. By the way the MXSR hanging up at Hobs in the Hills is mine, just waiting to be pulled down

Looks great Wayne. Test flight at PEMAC on Saturday ??

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

That is the plan, weather permitting. Willey's forecast 65% chance light rain, 25-35kph wind Frown
Spec build weight 2.1kg, actual 2.3kg Frown . Thrust test 2.8kg Smile , approx 1.2:1 thrust to weight

Ooooooh That's not very pleasent, I hope it improves before the weekend !!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Have had a habit of recent of choosing a plane on Phoenix similar to a plane I intend to maiden. The closest plane found so far that this could have been modelled after is a Stearman Royal Rhapsody and the closest on Phoenix is an 1100mm electric model stearman. Now comes my dilemma, took me ages to develop a take off strategy. Full up elevatior with gradual acceleration, after a reasonable ground speed, release elevator, gather increased takeoff speed & gradual elevator into the air. Too slow and it rolls either left or right to the ground. Nil elevator to start & it noses over. Then comes landings. Only have a 10% success rate at various landing speeds & throttles. Is this what I should expect from this new model of mine. If so more sim practice needed before maiden. Can somebody please try this Phoenix model & see if they think it to be realistic please.

Just fired up Phoenix briefly to take a look...

Only got a couple minutes in before the tx batteries died, but I see what you mean - it's more than a bit tricky to takeoff from the grass on our simulated strip (much easier off a sealed runway). It's very bouncy, and if it bounces up on an angle you're pretty much hosed.

Got a bit easier after increasing the elevator throw for more control at the start of take-off roll, and increasing the rudder expo (small inadvertant rudder input on rotation seemed to have a dramatic effect)

I'd have one of my rare optimistic moments and suggest that the real model won't be anywhere near as unfriendly with the right setup. It looks too good to be so badly misbehaved! :-)

<table width="100%" border="0"><tr>
<span title="No longer arboreally challenged!">Parkzone Stinson SR-10 </span>
Extra-300S EPP
<del>F-18 Blue Angels 64mm EDF</del>
<span title="Why won't it die?!">HK Mini Cessna EPO</span>
Spektrum DX6i - Mode 1</td>
<td valign=top>
Parkzone T-28 Ultra Micro
SRL Index
CloudsFly / AXN Floater
"2x6" basla/ply kit built glider
SBach 1000mm</td>
<td valign=top>
Skyartec Cessna 182 (small UAV)
UAV-168 (bigger UAV)
<span title="2nd-hand; rebuild on-hold">"BigBoy" Hugin (biggest UAV)</span>
<span title="For invading small countries">X-8 flying wing</span></td>

(29-05-2013, 08:52 PM)Claudius Wrote:  I'd have one of my rare optimistic moments and suggest that the real model won't be anywhere near as unfriendly with the right setup. It looks too good to be so badly misbehaved! :-)

Thanks for your comments Claudio,I have a lot of respect for your flying ability, am glad you found it a handful as well. I too am optimistic that it wont be that misbehaved, but my recent record of leading new planes to their demise is taking it's toll on my confidence

Don't stress yourself out champ, I have flown quite a few Bibes and generally speaking they are pretty well behaved on the ground dependant of course on the wheel/axle to C of G position. They have a lovely slow flight manner as well and that's probably because they generate a shit load of lift (might have something to do with the plethora of wings they seem to be endoured with).
Anyway..... take a valium ...... have a scotch ...... take a big breath ..... then ..... relax you will fly heaps better.. Honest!

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

Gazz is right It will fly OK. For what it's worth I can't fly those bipes on pheonix either.
The Pheonie Ultimate flies nothing like the Eflight Ultimate that I got from Gazz.

It's a beautifull plane to fly and very easy to land. You'll never have to worry about comming in too hot with it. All the drag of those extra wings makes them slow right up as soon as you drop the throttle. Ideal for our field !!

The ultimate is very responsive on ailerons it might be wise to set up dual rates so you can back them off if you find it too twichy. Eflight is very good with their set up instructions if you use the suggested throws and rates you should be just fine.

I would make sure that the colour sceme is good for orientation. A bipe looks quite different in the air and if your not used to flying them you might run into trouble like I did. Adding some red to the underside was a mod I quickly did to mine!!

Bipes do fly nice here's a video of the Eflight Ultimate at McCoy field, Ignore the taxi off the end of the strip after landing Smile

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Nice flight Jason. Hope mine performs as well, although there are some differences. Firstly although my Bipe has a 25% greater wingspan, it has double the weight and thirdly the things that control the sticks ar far less advanced

Maiden went reasonably uneventful at Pemac. Ample throttle & lift saw it float effortless up to a good height for trim check & adjustments.
At 2/3 throttle it wanted to climb dramatically, rectified by down trim. Some aileron & rudder trim under the watchful eye of Samste and it gracefully floated it's way around. A tendance to climb at higher throttle prompted landing for some down thrust adjustments. Slowed for final approach & it
landed better than I could ever have hoped for.
Second flight I upped the ante on rates and it looped & rolled like a demon but stayed quite stable in the air and was quite predictable.
Tail wheel was pre-installed & I mistakenly did not check the tightmess of the retaining collets. Temporarily lost the tail wheel, but found by Bob. Lost collets meant no more flights for the day.
Overall a wonderfull plane to fly. Gunna have to look after this one, not replaceable.

A nice bit of work there Wayne - I think I only saw the second flight, but it looked to be handled well and was certainly smooth with no "alarm-bell moments".

Steve Murray

Thanks Smuzz, like the eratix, it makes me look like a good pilot. Is just a nice stable flier.

Good news Wayne!

Signature overload. That list just got ridiculous. However, Funcubs are .... fun.

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