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Last flight of the year for the PA Ultimate

Here it is a good old fashioned write off!
I believe it was a loose elevator linkage glued carbon to plastic dating back 8 years to the original yellow Ultimate.
A new red one is on the way thanks to my wife.
It was good to see so many on the last day of the year.
Indoor I believe is next Wednesday.


Sorry to see the ultimate go in
It looked like a control failier
Needed a change of colour anyway

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

All fixed and its a V2 so it must be better!    

I need to get to work on the old one as its bin night on Sunday.


OOoooo, Red ones go faster....... :-D

Gravity sucks, or should I say, is the downfall of all things flying. It's the way it's controlled that makes the end memorable or not.

Looks good !!!

Cant wait to see it fly

Red is a better colour as well

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

SRL I have video of the old one when I was last at the field. Such a shame you lost it.
I look forward to seeing the new one though.

Flying RC is just more than a hobby now. Thumbup

Just got the fuse out of the box , It is so nice!
New hs-65 servos and linkages are now in the wing.
The only bits reused will be the motor with a new shaft, ESC and RX.

I finish putting it together at 2 this afternoon. Its hot outside 42C but I just had to fly it.
I got to the field , two batteries and back without it melting.
All was great but I lost the tail wheel off its wire not long after the first take off. Nothing to do with my assembly.
It fly's just how it looks. Never mind the past times are great now with stuff available like this !


PA planes have a habit of loosing their rear wheels. every one of mine has done that. Baz found the last one of my Katana in the field somewhere. Good stuff you are enjoying it. Looks great as well mate.

Flying RC is just more than a hobby now. Thumbup

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