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On Sunday the 17th of March there will be something different at PRCAC’s McCoy field. We have been very fortunate in securing the support of the NSW Pylon association to hold an introduction to Electric Pylon racing day!

This will be a great opportunity for our members and invited guests to have a go and experience the fun and excitement of Electric Pylon racing, with out the stress of it being at a formal competition, but with all the official timing gear and proper set up used by the NSW pylon association guys.

Pylon racing model airplanes is great fun at every level! It’s not an overly difficult thing to do and you don’t have to be an elite pilot to fly your plane around the course.
All you have to do is be able to fly your plane safely, be willing to have a go, learn something new and most of all have fun. There will be plenty of experienced pilots to help out on the day, to call for and answer the questions of pilots new to pylon racing. There will also be opportunities to practice flying the course before the 17th of March.

Even if you don’t feel confident flying the course please come along and take part. Not only is pylon racing great to watch but there are plenty of opportunities to be involved other than flying. There needs to be judges/timers for each plane in the air and there will also need to be at least two people with radios observing the exclusion zone while races are being run. It would be great to have people take a bunch of photos/video of the proceedings as well. When not flying pilots will also be doing some of these things. It's quite an interesting and busy time once it all gets going.

There will be time for normal flying, trimming and test flights while things things are getting set up and after racing is finished as well.

At least two classes of planes will be racing on the day. One class will be Trojan/Sports. And the other will be FFC (Fun Fighter Class).

Trojan/Sports class will be based on Parkzone Trojans and similar type models. Models with similar performance will be put in the same heats and a formula (yet to be devised) will be used to equalise the results. So that non-standard aircraft and standard Trojans can compete on a comparitivly level field, we’ll use a handicap system. It could be as simple as the time multiplied by the watts required to run the powerplant flat out on the ground. This will be finilised before the day and I’ll post it up here so we know where we stand.

The Fun Fighter class will be based aircraft from Hobby kings Fun fighter range of models and other similar machines like the Moray which is also from HK. This is obviously going to be the faster class and those flying in this one are well advised to have some practice before the day!!

There are some pylons in the field box, we will be getting them out quite a few times before the 17th of March for practice. So please if you see them set up give us a yell and a have go. If you want to set them up and have a go please post up on this thread or let either, SRL, Claudio, Frank or my self know and we’ll give you hand.

More information to come, I'll post up more as we get things underway

Please post up any questions or comments.

Please also have a think about what class or classes or planes you may want to fly on the day. there's plenty of time to get something together to fly before the day, it's two months from now


“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Bring it on, Jason!
I'll have my "Bullet Trojan" ready - I'll get a bit of practice pretending to fly the course tomorrow!

Steve Murray

I'll be in that, Stinson style.

Hmmm.... I think there is a Park 25 1250kv in the shop Lol

Signature overload. That list just got ridiculous. However, Funcubs are .... fun.

Awsome guys !!

Do you think we might be able to tempt Omuzz back from retirement??

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Ace Idea

Although I am rusty as all hell I am sure I have something in the hangar that would suit such a comp.
Good Stuff.

Rob B

1.64m V tail Glider
F-27 (Ted) Stryker
XB70 Valkyrie 70mm EDF
HK Pitts Special
Twister 3D Storm / Trex 600ESP Airwolf Heli's
Viper Jet 70mm EDF
Project Bravo Two
Project '67
Spektrum DX8 Mode 1,3

Excellent Rob,
Bring it down for some practice laps!!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

(18-01-2013, 09:09 AM)secant0give Wrote:  Do you think we might be able to tempt Omuzz back from retirement??

Nope! - I said to him last night "I maidened a plane today!", expecting a barrage of questions and a conversation to follow. All I got was "Ugh" as he went back to fiddling with his 'phone - he didn't even want to know which one, let alone how it turned out.

Anything like this hobby/sport which requires patience, attention to detail, perseverance and tenacity is not going to wash with he and his mob of mates now. I've lost him.

Steve Murray

(19-01-2013, 11:28 AM)smuzz Wrote:  I've lost him.

For now, He'll be back... He just to make his own blindingly obvious mistakes and add some grey hair to your head first.

Yes - I guess you're right mate, it's the natural order of things!

Steve Murray

A quick bit of video of some practice flights around the course

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Gotta love a Care Bear on 4S Thumbup Also, what occurred to me in that video is that we have two perfectly good pylons to race around already...

Speaking of, and just in case... HK has the Fun Fighter Corsair down to $61 for the next 12 hours, so I broughted me one Biggrin Just in case.

Signature overload. That list just got ridiculous. However, Funcubs are .... fun.

Only a month to go untill the Race day, Get those planes sorted, ordered, test flown and some practice in !!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Ja - verstanden!

I decided last week to give this a fling - and it's more fun then I expected it to be. I picked up the Bf-109 FunFighter, and very rapidly understood that I wasn't able to put off getting acquainted with expo any longer! With straight linear stick movements it was a risky proposition at high speed, so now I've got 30% on the ailerons and 15% on the elevator as well as having reduced the end-points/throws. For a couple of flights, it took some getting used to the fact that my "usual" amount of stick movement seemed ineffectual and then suddenly finding I had loads of movement. Once accustomed to it though it certainly helps smooth out the sharp cornered turns I used to do and makes for a more scale-like behaviour.

I've had five flights now and with a few more under the belt I'll be ready to give it a run on 4S. I can highly recommend one of this class of model - you simply point it and floor it and off it goes Smile

Steve Murray

(17-02-2013, 08:20 AM)smuzz Wrote:  Ja - verstanden!

I decided last week to give this a fling - and it's more fun then I expected it to be. I picked up the Bf-109 FunFighter, and very rapidly understood that I wasn't able to put off getting acquainted with expo any longer! With straight linear stick movements it was a risky proposition at high speed, so now I've got 30% on the ailerons and 15% on the elevator as well as having reduced the end-points/throws. For a couple of flights, it took some getting used to the fact that my "usual" amount of stick movement seemed ineffectual and then suddenly finding I had loads of movement. Once accustomed to it though it certainly helps smooth out the sharp cornered turns I used to do and makes for a more scale-like behaviour.

I've had five flights now and with a few more under the belt I'll be ready to give it a run on 4S. I can highly recommend one of this class of model - you simply point it and floor it and off it goes Smile

Way To Go Steve !!

They are such great fun!!

OK we need to start making a list of the flyers for the day

At the moment from the posts and conversations with members I'm guessing it will be at vey least 8 of us probably more

Please post up if you'll be racing on the 17th and what models you'll bring.

I'll be flying, bringing my Rare Bear (FFC) and my Trojan.

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

OK Jason - I'll be there with Bf-109 FunFighter and Durafly Trojan.

Steve Murray

Will be there - RareBear (FFC)

<table width="100%" border="0"><tr>
<span title="No longer arboreally challenged!">Parkzone Stinson SR-10 </span>
Extra-300S EPP
<del>F-18 Blue Angels 64mm EDF</del>
<span title="Why won't it die?!">HK Mini Cessna EPO</span>
Spektrum DX6i - Mode 1</td>
<td valign=top>
Parkzone T-28 Ultra Micro
SRL Index
CloudsFly / AXN Floater
"2x6" basla/ply kit built glider
SBach 1000mm</td>
<td valign=top>
Skyartec Cessna 182 (small UAV)
UAV-168 (bigger UAV)
<span title="2nd-hand; rebuild on-hold">"BigBoy" Hugin (biggest UAV)</span>
<span title="For invading small countries">X-8 flying wing</span></td>

If anyone else is interested and able to make this event, please let us know!

<table width="100%" border="0"><tr>
<span title="No longer arboreally challenged!">Parkzone Stinson SR-10 </span>
Extra-300S EPP
<del>F-18 Blue Angels 64mm EDF</del>
<span title="Why won't it die?!">HK Mini Cessna EPO</span>
Spektrum DX6i - Mode 1</td>
<td valign=top>
Parkzone T-28 Ultra Micro
SRL Index
CloudsFly / AXN Floater
"2x6" basla/ply kit built glider
SBach 1000mm</td>
<td valign=top>
Skyartec Cessna 182 (small UAV)
UAV-168 (bigger UAV)
<span title="2nd-hand; rebuild on-hold">"BigBoy" Hugin (biggest UAV)</span>
<span title="For invading small countries">X-8 flying wing</span></td>

I was going to be there with my T28 funfighter but unfortunatley I have a family function on that I can not miss... spewin'!

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

I'll be there with the angry rare bear and finally a spare bear (unmodified)

Excellent !!

Come on guys the more flyers racing on the day the better it will be

There will be trophies for winners and places in each class.

I've got the day off on friday the 8th, that's friday week
I'm thinking of setting the pylon course up for some practice.

Come down and have a go !!


“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

alright guys , ive been tempted to see what all this rarebear stuff is about , and it has been something i've been considering for a while , but i've been more inclined to think it's not my cup of tea , however the funfighter craze metre in the club seems to bring on a few smiles , so i thought i'd see what it was all about .
HK got another sale last night out of me , looks like the liquor shop misses out again !!
have a rarebear and some batteries on order , the rest of the stuff i have here , just need to decide on paint, colours etc .
i'll be starting as a rookie on the day , as i'll only have the plane ready a week before the event at the earliest .

patience !!Biggrin paaatience !!Paranoid paaaaaatience Tounge paaaaaaatieeence Lol dooooohhhh !!! Upset

DANGER WIFE CAN READ FORUMS . love you darling . sig changed .

I won't be ready, probably. I'll do the right thing and sit this out.

Signature overload. That list just got ridiculous. However, Funcubs are .... fun.

(01-03-2013, 08:59 AM)wingtipper Wrote:  alright guys , ive been tempted to see what all this rarebear stuff is about , and it has been something i've been considering for a while , but i've been more inclined to think it's not my cup of tea , however the funfighter craze metre in the club seems to bring on a few smiles , so i thought i'd see what it was all about .
HK got another sale last night out of me , looks like the liquor shop misses out again !!
have a rarebear and some batteries on order , the rest of the stuff i have here , just need to decide on paint, colours etc .
i'll be starting as a rookie on the day , as i'll only have the plane ready a week before the event at the earliest .

Excellent !! Smile

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

A pox on this weather .... I really want to get on the sticks and fly my FunFighter around again!

Steve Murray

RARE BEAR ARF version has been delivered . im excited and will put a build thread up .

patience !!Biggrin paaatience !!Paranoid paaaaaatience Tounge paaaaaaatieeence Lol dooooohhhh !!! Upset

DANGER WIFE CAN READ FORUMS . love you darling . sig changed .

It doesnt take long to put together Smile

should have it sorted by Friday ?? Smile

I've got a couple of 3S 1300 packs if you want to have a go with those to try it out

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

If you look closely you'll see some of the usuall suspects Wink

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

C'mon Lads surely there must be a few more pilots with suitable planes keen to have a go at racing?

All you need is a PZ Trojan or something similar or a HK fun fighter like the Rarebear.

(01-03-2013, 11:53 AM)Steven Wrote:  I won't be ready, probably. I'll do the right thing and sit this out.

Steve make sure you come along and bring a plane to fly. even if you don't feel confident to race
there will be plenty to do, I will be good to watch and there should be time for normal flying as well.

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

I've talked "Junior" into having a go. At this stage we're waiting on a Spitfire FunFighter to arrive from the NSW warehouse. Hopefully it will get here in time for a couple of practice flights on Thursday or Friday afternoon when he gets home from school - otherwise he'll be maidening the thing on his first race Biggrin

Steve Murray

Excellent !!
There will be time for a test flight on Satturday and a few laps around the course for practice as well
before racing on Sunday.

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

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