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Welcome to noobsville. Population: Me!

Gday everyone Smile

Names Kev and I'm a newbie to the hobby as well as the site/forums.
I have enjoyed flying the cheap $25 planes and choppers that i got from paddys markets a few years ago. You know the ones that recharge from the remote? lols, had good fun with them, until my cousins lost my plane up a tree, and my cat destroyed the chopper, getting his satisfying revenge lol

I have absolutely no idea what I should buy, but being on a budget, the first place i looked was ebay. The Skyartec Cessna 182 looks like a popular model, and is the one i had my eye on. The package I saw came with some flight sim software which I think will come in handy.
Should I get one? And if not, why, and what other models should I look at? And how much should I pay? Sorry for the annoying questions lol, but I am greener than a leprechaun on saint paddys day Smile

Cash is a little tight at the moment, so for anything $200 and up I'll probably need to do something like layby, if you guys no any good places I can deal with either online or in Sydneys south west it would be really helpful.

Any feedback, comments and suggestions would really be appreciated Smile
Anyways, apologies for the long post, lol, and its a pleasure to meet all of you!

Now I'm off to explore the forums for info Smile
Kev Smile

Do you have a transmitter yet?

There are a few trainers that will do very nicely as plane to learn to fly with. I'd be inclined to get something larger rather than smaller. Wingtipper brought a Cessner not so long back and is pretty happy with, it I don't think it's the little skyrtec one tho'

I reckon you want something at least 45" preferably 50" span to learn to fly with. If it's too small it will be greatly affected by turbulance and difficult to fly in anything but dead calm conditions and will hold you back from really getting stuck into some good fun flying.

I would also think about the kind of radio that you buy. You'll be better off to spend a few extra dollers here and get something like a DX6i or equivelent, rather than a real cheapy, Remember it's safe to spend a bit more on a TX 'cause it's the bit that stays on the ground Wink It's a good idea to get one with a buddy port that is compatible with spectrum or JR, that will make it much easier to learn to fly as you can buddy up with an experianced flyer who can take over at an instant to save your plane, That way you can gain some flying experiance with out the fear of busting up your nice new machine.

What mode do you fly ??? I would suggest that mode 1 is better but that's just my opinion, ( might be sticking my neck out here Smile ) Tho' there are probably more people to give you a hand if you fly mode 1.

There's plenty of answers to most questions here on the forum if you take the time to look about...........happy browsing Smile

Hope to see you down the field in the near future


“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

E-Flite Apprentice worked really well for me Smile
I've been a member of the club for 3-4yrs but don't fly often enough. I still feel like I'm a beginner when I'm out there.
Try Kellets (in our links) in Liverpool if you're in the Southwest. Most of us guys are Northwest.


Hi Kev,

I have had the grand total of one "proper" flight so far (on Sunday), but had done a fair bit of flying a cheap plane before that.

The best way I can explain it is your $30-$100 specials (complete with remote) are like driving a go-kart compared to driving an actual racecar. The amount you can do in a proper setup is astonishing, and just like racecars specialise into dragsters, drift, circut, rally..... a proper setup lets you fly for pylon racing, acrobatics, some people do aerial combat......

Unfortunately just like the car difference, there is a cost step up for getting serious. A transmitter (controller) like the Spektrum DX6 will set you back $200-250. A charger will set you back $30-50. A plane is an extra part on top of that (A lot of people suggest the Parkzone T-28 - $280-$300. The E-flite - cant find a clear BNF price but looks about the same cost). Grand total for 1 plane? Change from $600.

The advantage of this though is your plane will do so much more then any of your $100 specials could, and its a solid base from which to develop and buy other planes that are faster/more acrobatic/different and for each of those, you only pay the cost for the plane.

Come and look at the field, talk to a few people (they have been really helpful to me) and see if its worth it. From my experience, its incredibly hard to fly one of those and look the same way at a "special" again.

Oh, I forgot. Sim software is really useful. Much better to press a key to reset after a crash then spend time putting the pieces back together.

Hobbies in The Hills has the Spectrum DX6i on special at the moment for $199.00 and that includes 2 x AR6110 recievers and they normally retail for $80 each.
If you are in the market for a good Tx then you wont get a better deal than that anywhere!

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

Come down to the field, you will find Noobsville has a larger population than you think. It's just that a few have lived there a bit longer Biggrin
PS. The previously mentioned Eflite Apprentice is featured in my Avatar picture & in my opinion is the ultimate trainer plane but at a price.

(30-07-2012, 07:53 PM)gbanger Wrote:  Hobbies in The Hills has the Spectrum DX6i on special at the moment for $199.00 and that includes 2 x AR6110 recievers and they normally retail for $80 each.
If you are in the market for a good Tx then you wont get a better deal than that anywhere!

Now that is a bargain !! Nice one Gazz !!

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Thanks guys for the warm welcome, and all the information Smile
I have absolutely no gear yet, so guess I'll start with the transmitter and charger which I'll get on my next payday.
That should give me plenty of time to do my research before I have to choose a plane model to buy.
I'm not sure which mode I'll get, throttle on the left I think since it's closest to my gaming controller on the xbox360 lol.
I've also thought of getting some flight sim games for the Xbox360. Can anyone recommend a good one?

Thanks again for all the replies and I'll see you guys around the forum, and hopefully on the fields very soon Biggrin


Can't help you with the XBox stuff Kev, don't know a thing about 'em - but I would recommend you get an RC flight simulator.
You connect your transmitter up to your PC with the simulator installed and cut your learning time to a fraction of what it would otherwise be, depending upon how much you use the simulator during the week. There are lots of them about and they've all got their pluses and minuses, but many of us use Phoenix ( and I'm thankful for it.
Have fun,

Steve Murray

Actually, just a little update.
I have found a package which I might grab depending on the feedback I get here.
1.27 m wingspan t28 Trojan
Dx6i (mode 2)
As well as battery and charger for $400 new

Battery is 2200mah Lipo 11 volt
Motor is 850kv brushless
Plane is made of EPO foam.

Should I get foam? Or something stronger sturdier?

If you read back in this post you will see mention of mode 1 being a more favourable transmitter. Although I think mixing mode 1 & 2 in buddy cord links is possible (dont rely on me for this, and I am sure I will be corrected if wrong) but certainly when you get past the buddy cord needs and want to have your instructor beside you to take over if needed, you will find mode 1 instructors available every flying day, not so frequent with mode 2. As for the model, our resident flying guru Gary learnt to fly on a T28 Trojan, but it certainly is not as forgiving as a high wing trainer and may take a little longer to overcome the common lack of confidence when starting to enhance the big learning curve in this hobby. As for the foamy comment, they are more robust than balsa models and easier to repair in the inevitable mishap. One of our motto's says, if you cant afford to fix a plane, you cant afford to fly one.
PS. I now have a spare mode 1 DX6i that I am willing to lend out at the field, which will give you extra time to finance your own.

A 1.27m wingspan T-28 sounds like it might be the Dynam Trojan. If so, it's a perfectly adequate plane but I think with a little shopping around you could get that plane and a DX6i (brand new and therefore still under warranty) for less than $400. As Gazz has already pointed out, the transmitter is available for less than $200 locally and I know you can get that plane for less than $200 as well.

By the way, with Spektrum gear like the DX6i you can in fact mix modes on a buddy-cable - I fly mode 2 and my son taught me to fly (he's mode 1) and we buddied for many months, until I got the hang of it all.

Steve Murray

(30-07-2012, 07:44 PM)BenR Wrote:  Hi Kev,

I have had the grand total of one "proper" flight so far (on Sunday), but had done a fair bit of flying a cheap plane before that.

Hi Ben,
Did you fly solo on Sunday?
Would like to remind you that only insured pilots are allowed to fly at McCoy.
The club could be placed in breach of their contract with Parramatta Council if they allow non -insured fliers to fly there.
Also as PRCAC are an affiliated club with the MAAA only insurance issued through them can be recognised.
To obtain insurance you must apply for club membership either through PRCAC or another affiliated club.

Jet Teng L39(Breitling)
Scratchbuilt F14 Tomcat(Pukin Dogs)
Vector X
Eflite F86 Sabre(Taz Tiger)
Qantas Airbus A380(Nancy-Bird Walton)
Boeing 737-800
ProEDF F16
Falcon 120(Gas Turbine)
Fly Fly F100 Super Sabre
Pheonix Tiger 6
VQ Models P61 Night Fighter
CY Models FW190


Quote:Hi Ben,
Did you fly solo on Sunday?

Did not fly solo. One of the many Steves (samste) buddied with me and let me fly his T-28, for which I have not yet expressed my thanks.

Steve - thanks!

Ok thanks for the feedback guys. I will pass on that package and pick up a mode 1 transmitter this weekend. In the meantime, I'll do some more shopping around. Learning about the instructor-buddy system makes it a little easier to spend more on a plane Smile
My mate bought one a few years ago and smashed it a few seconds after his first take off lol.

(31-07-2012, 07:32 PM)BenR Wrote:  
Quote:Hi Ben,
Did you fly solo on Sunday?

Did not fly solo. One of the many Steves (samste) buddied with me and let me fly his T-28, for which I have not yet expressed my thanks.

Steve - thanks!

Thanks Ben, I'll discuss with Steve.
Unfortunately that is not allowed by our club rules.

Jet Teng L39(Breitling)
Scratchbuilt F14 Tomcat(Pukin Dogs)
Vector X
Eflite F86 Sabre(Taz Tiger)
Qantas Airbus A380(Nancy-Bird Walton)
Boeing 737-800
ProEDF F16
Falcon 120(Gas Turbine)
Fly Fly F100 Super Sabre
Pheonix Tiger 6
VQ Models P61 Night Fighter
CY Models FW190


(31-07-2012, 08:47 PM)paulj Wrote:  
(31-07-2012, 07:32 PM)BenR Wrote:  Did not fly solo. One of the many Steves (samste) buddied with me and let me fly his T-28, for which I have not yet expressed my thanks.

Steve - thanks!

Thanks Ben, I'll discuss with Steve.
Unfortunately that is not allowed by our club rules.

Which club rule is that exactly?

I was under the impression that MOP042 is in place for this express purpose ( and it would come as a surprise to me to learn that we don't permit it at PRCAC.

<table width="100%" border="0"><tr>
<span title="No longer arboreally challenged!">Parkzone Stinson SR-10 </span>
Extra-300S EPP
<del>F-18 Blue Angels 64mm EDF</del>
<span title="Why won't it die?!">HK Mini Cessna EPO</span>
Spektrum DX6i - Mode 1</td>
<td valign=top>
Parkzone T-28 Ultra Micro
SRL Index
CloudsFly / AXN Floater
"2x6" basla/ply kit built glider
SBach 1000mm</td>
<td valign=top>
Skyartec Cessna 182 (small UAV)
UAV-168 (bigger UAV)
<span title="2nd-hand; rebuild on-hold">"BigBoy" Hugin (biggest UAV)</span>
<span title="For invading small countries">X-8 flying wing</span></td>

last time I spoke to Bob Carpenter He said that Insurance cover was extended to non MAAA members on up to four visits to a club as long as they were directly supervised when flying. After that they had to join. There were some exceptions to that as well.

Do we have a club rule that is contary to that Paul ?
It does say in Mop 42 that clubs are entitled to make their own rules as regards visitors.

“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Yes we do have a club rule that is contrary to MOP42.
Has been there for a couple of years.
This came about because of some unfortunate experiences when club was younger.
It was also used for the basis of introducing "provisional" club membership.
Like all things of course, it is not written in stone and if the club desires it be changed they
can propose that it be reviewed via the appropriate course of action.

Jet Teng L39(Breitling)
Scratchbuilt F14 Tomcat(Pukin Dogs)
Vector X
Eflite F86 Sabre(Taz Tiger)
Qantas Airbus A380(Nancy-Bird Walton)
Boeing 737-800
ProEDF F16
Falcon 120(Gas Turbine)
Fly Fly F100 Super Sabre
Pheonix Tiger 6
VQ Models P61 Night Fighter
CY Models FW190


I just looked up the club rules and there it is, the first one under the heading PRCAC flight rules.

"1. Members & visitors intending to fly must be financial members of the MAAA to fly at this field. Visitors must present their current MAAA card & and all certificates required
for their model before flying."

Is there any reason why we couldn't ammend this rule to bring it in line with the MAAA's Mop 042 ??

Thanks Paul you answered my question inbetween my looking up the rules



“The knack of flying is learning how to throw your machine at the ground and miss.”

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your thoughts turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."  ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Just to finish up this for the time being.
The committee will discuss this rule and will come back to you all
when we have had a chance.
We are not trying to be draconian and as I said nothing is set in stone.

Jet Teng L39(Breitling)
Scratchbuilt F14 Tomcat(Pukin Dogs)
Vector X
Eflite F86 Sabre(Taz Tiger)
Qantas Airbus A380(Nancy-Bird Walton)
Boeing 737-800
ProEDF F16
Falcon 120(Gas Turbine)
Fly Fly F100 Super Sabre
Pheonix Tiger 6
VQ Models P61 Night Fighter
CY Models FW190


(31-07-2012, 10:46 PM)paulj Wrote:  The committee will discuss this rule and will come back to you all
when we have had a chance.

Not to derail this thread any further, but I would ask that the committee first clarify whether that rule also excludes buddy box flights, or is merely a terse restriction of the solo non-affiliate provisions of MOP042 (as I don't recall ever seeing the former interpretation enforced; but have witnessed any number of buddy box flights by prospective non-members, flights by members' children... heck, if I recall correctly, my first flights at the club were as a prospective member on a buddy system!)

<table width="100%" border="0"><tr>
<span title="No longer arboreally challenged!">Parkzone Stinson SR-10 </span>
Extra-300S EPP
<del>F-18 Blue Angels 64mm EDF</del>
<span title="Why won't it die?!">HK Mini Cessna EPO</span>
Spektrum DX6i - Mode 1</td>
<td valign=top>
Parkzone T-28 Ultra Micro
SRL Index
CloudsFly / AXN Floater
"2x6" basla/ply kit built glider
SBach 1000mm</td>
<td valign=top>
Skyartec Cessna 182 (small UAV)
UAV-168 (bigger UAV)
<span title="2nd-hand; rebuild on-hold">"BigBoy" Hugin (biggest UAV)</span>
<span title="For invading small countries">X-8 flying wing</span></td>

I flew Solo undersupervision twice before I joined! This was neccessary for me to decided if PRCAC was a good place for me to fly.
I also supervised/took over new mode2 flyers once or twice.
If the rules have changed then what is required for us to help visitors?
Most of the time they do come down with a plane in hand to test our club! Do we just wave them off?


"Crash and Cry! Don't fly"

RadioBiggrinX9 & DX8
HK Cri Cri ugly,Super Cub 1870mm balsa, Sbach 1000mm balsa, Vampire, Katana E50 balsa, BA Hawke 90mm (on hold for large runway), Durafly BF110, Corsair,
EScale Zero
Freewing Eurofighter Typhoon & SU-34
Starmax F5e Tiger & 70mm F-18
FMS T-28 Trojan, P-38 Silver, 50mm F-86, C-17 Globmaster

Fly fly F-100
B-25 2.0m LX and A10 1.5m Langxiang (being glassed and re-built)
Seagull Super Tucano

Yeh, it's a tricky trade-off between enjoyment and risk.

I'm going to open a new thread in the member's area to discuss this sort of stuff by the weekend (a part of the lead-up to the AGM) - look for the "By-Laws" thread and please do add your thoughts. It might not be possible to develop a set of rules/policies/practices which are perfect for everyone and will endure through all time, but we can all have a go at getting to a close approximation.

Steve Murray

while we're at it guys , i'd like to throw in my 2 bobs worth , it was made clear to me that i had to be a member of the club before flying at all , therefore i paid my fee before buddying up for any flight . and i was ok with that . i think it is ok to join up before any flying if any sort , but that is just my opinion only . MOP042 is very lenient i guess , but not bad either i guess , as its up to an instructor to take on responsibility of said flights .

on another point , what about flying solo , must you obtain BRONZE WINGS , before flying solo ?

patience !!Biggrin paaatience !!Paranoid paaaaaatience Tounge paaaaaaatieeence Lol dooooohhhh !!! Upset

DANGER WIFE CAN READ FORUMS . love you darling . sig changed .

Flying solo is at the discression of the certified instructors at our club.
No one can fly solo until recieving verbal approval from said instructors, you do not have to have you bronze wings, but you are almost there if you have been approved for solo flying.
And while we are on the topic, No one except club approved instructors are legal to buddy anyone under any circumstances.

Parkzone Stryker 27 Evolution
E flite Ultra Stick , T 28 Carbon Z
Skyartec Skyfun Scorpion,Skyfun 90 EDF
Hobbyking Voltigeur, Funfighter T28, Mirage 2000, Minimoa 2.4m Glider
Jet Teng L-39 HPAT Stumax 90
Pheonix Tiger 50
FliteWork Extra 300 LPX 2.6M
Spectrum DX9i , DX6

Don't ever let the fear of landing keep you from taking off!

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