Search Results
litghost Wrote: (31-08-2023, 08:27 PM) -- Hi, I'm Keith, live in Toongabbie just across the street from the field.  I've done some slope soaring in the past, excited to try out some powered glider...
Another observation (and note to self): When switching to Elrs receivers, worth to note the timing on the pwm outputs is slightly different (compared to Spektrum). So your servo center trim positions ...
yes, I've setup model match.  The battery voltage input on the receiver is great, but also dangerous, mis-plugging the Vbatt into one of the servo output ports will likely cause damage.  Matek pro...
My Elrs experience thus far: Radiomaster TX16 mark II Matek ELRS-R24-P6 ExpressLRS 2.4G PWM Receiver With Antenna Support 2~8S VBat Voltage Sense Upgrading firmware via Wifi is pretty straigh...
I used Officeworks foamboard before, but it's rather expensive. there are cheaper options out there. old discussion with useful link inside :
Hi Carlou, Do come down to the field any Saturday morning (weather permitting)  you will find members there that can help you out to get flying again. Cheers,  Dirk.
Hi,  moving sale, Any interest in a 180 cm wingspan cessna ?  complete with all parts, I have some lipo packs and propeller with it, add your own receiver. (not all parts shown in picture), needs som...
Hi,  moving sale,   Any interest in a 180 cm wingspan cessna ?  complete with all parts, I have some lipo packs and propeller with it, add your own receiver.  (not all parts shown in picture), nee...
Any hopes of the strip being flyable tomorrow morning ? Weather looking to clear up nicely.
I just started charging lipos ☹️ .  The curse of the bush care day continues...
Hi Eric, I would remove the trim from the transmitter.  Then power on the radio and plane. This will center the servos.  Remove power and with the servo's centered, get the control surfaces mecha...
Thanks Chris, Hking has my email already anyways :) Will make sure to bring something to fly this time. Cheers. See you on Saturday !
There is a registration entry on their events page, although other years registration was not checked nor was anything ever done with it. Is registration required, or is this just Hking collecting em...
Hi Andrew, I will be at the field Saturday morning. Cheers,
Hi Sam, Do come down to our field, any weekend morning and weather permitting, there should be members out flying that can help out with repair advice.
Thanks for the update, Pete. No surprise there, with all the downpour we've had the soil will be fully saturated by now.
So maybe we mis-interpreted the Casa statement on the reg fees, "The cost of registration has yet to be determined by CASA. The cost will depend on whether you fly your drone for fun or profit. It i...
Another thought, it is a good thing CASA does not go over fishing licenses, or you would be paying license for every rod you own. As one can only fly one drone a time, the reg fee should be once pe...
CASA will make them pay a registration fee so at least they will be registered to ... still not be allowed to fly there -!?-
Thanks, The latest MAAA email also states the new CASA rules fee waiver should include MAAA fields. Casa could have been more clear on this part. Also, in Urban area's, other than official f...
is our field CASA or MAAA approved ?
Filled out. Djeez what a piece of rubbish legislation they dreamt up with ! (Oh no, NOT AGAIN !)
This weekend should be good ! dry and low winds on Sat and Sunday. Most Likely Sunday for me to make it.
I plan to be there tomorrow morning.
Wind finally looks good, but the rain might make it a hit or miss. I plan to pass by the field Sunday morning, pending conditions.
I am hopeful to maki it Sunday Morning, Forecast for Sunday looking good wind wise, but chance for some rain.
It is not the first time we see someone flying race quads there. I spoke to one guy months ago, He has a membership with Vinyard, wasn't even aware of our club operating the field. He said he did...
Hi Rossy, How did you go with the Parrot Disco ? Very tempted at the $ they go for now. Review post, please ?
Kogan has the parrot still on sale: parrot sale (
sorry, down with bad cold, had to bail out :(
I plan to make it Sunday morning for a quick round.
Coming weekend Saturday morning looks ok weather wise, small chance of Rain, Sunday Windy and more rain. Anybody passing by the field to get a field status update ?
Anybody flying Sunday ? We have a new guy who is keen to come down ('Gun'). Would be good if someone can advise him a time to come down. Sadly I won't make it tomorrow. Cheers,
Hi Chris,. I ll be near Penrith Sundry morning. Might pass by to say hi if time permits. Cheers.
I plan to be at the field tomorrow morning.
I believe the forms and link have changed after they were posted on this forum. You'll need form MAAA016 to sign off bronze/ silver wings. updated link:
Not likely I will make it this weekend.
Reinforcements have arrived ! :) building time ! :)
I am out for Saturday, Sunday early morning is a maybe. Also weather depending, by the looks of it. Any takers for this weekend ?
Right, I am going to stalk another post package :)
sweet. not planned the motor yet, plan was to equip the spirit with whatever spare components I have lying around. Are you planning of going 2S or 3S on the spirit ?
I have a spirit 600mm on order, so we can see the build quality. Happy to upscale to a Teksumo if the club race rules require it :) Any other takers ?
The Banggood Spirit is suggested as a 2S setup, should we go for something running 3S ? most of us will have 3S batteries spare, less so for 2S . Also, for the competition part, do we want to pre...
Great Idea, let's settle on the model first, will need to read up on the models first. Alternatively we could pick a cheap wing from banggood, and buy them in bulk for spares :) Would you pl...
Anybody out Flying on Australia day ? I plan to be there in the morning. 9:30-ish.
Intel's CES Light show using Drones:
I plan to be at the field tomorrow early (8 AM-Ish) Likely packing up again by 10, as it will be stinking hot later in the day. Any more takers for an early "Fly and Fry" ? Cheers,