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Howdy all Flying this weekend may not be possible. I just went down to the field to drop of a radio I picked up for a new member and walked in for a look. The main runway is under 6 to 8 inches of ...
About 8 of us turned up between 7 and 9 on Sunday. Most of us got a few flights in but the rain arrived at 9.30 and we all scarpered. Gazz
So Dave Do you think the main strip needs mowing. Keeping in mind, thick not necessarily long grass plays havoc with small undercarriages. If it does I will be there at 7 with the beast. Gazz
I will be opening up at about 8.30 and will be there all day if anyone needs any assistance. Gazz
I will check McCoy field in the morning, if it is OK I will open up. If its a little average, I will open up A 51. Gazz
Howdy pilots Dont want to get to exited......... but the weekend is almost starting to look like it has a little bit of YEEEEEHAAAAA in it. Steve I know it's only Thursday night but if you get a ch...
I will be flying this weekend and should be opening up the field tomorrow morning at 8 .00am See you there Gazz
I will be flying tomorrow from 8.30. Hope to see you all there..... not to many of you though. Gazz
Not me. I'm flying my big ones out West.
Just got home from the MAS NSW meeting and it rained most of the way home (Parramatta to Kellyville). Not looking to good for the morning. But we will keep our finger crossed.
Hey Drew have you joined a club down there. I hope you have because the next time I drop by Adelaide I expect to be flying as a guest at your club... Great to here from you mate! Keep us posted on t...
Big smiley face, the sun shes a shinin. I will be opening up tomorrow at around 8 am.
I will be heading down at 8.30. Just checked out all of my weather sites and it doesnt look to promising all though it looks pretty good here at the moment. Fingers crossed. Hope Darren is bringing t...
Satuday morning and not a cloud in the sky... go figure!! If the weather continues to improve ... I will be going out to Emu heights for a fly but will make a decision and post here at 9 am Gazz
I will be down a bit later this morning, finishing off the 9!
Looks like access to our field has been suspended because of work being carried out but the council. The Pres has recommended no one touch the temporary fencing because of possible repercusssions, and...
See you at 7 Dave. I think I will drop the height of the beast 1 click. After our last effort I know the strip was pretty good but I think a little bit more short back and sides would be a lot more l...
Well Steve you've got no excuse then I will expect to see a few more servicable aircraft next weekend. I am supposed to doing my instructors couse this weekend, but under the prevailing conditions I'...
Im leaving in 20 minutes Dave, so call me and I will tell you where I am flying. I hope it will be McCoy
The field is in pretty good shape for those thinking about flying tomorrow. Only 4 members came down to the field today, and some enjoyable relaxing flying was had by all. There was almost no wind an...
You would be right there Chris, and that someone is Da da daaaaaaaaa! Captain Decadance to the rescue I will be at the field about 8.30
I'm flying Sunday this weekend, just letting anyone know that hoped to catch up with me!
8.00am Kellyvile Ridge the rain she is coming down and doesnt look like letting up any time in the near future. Looks like the weather has put the kybosh on today. Lets hope tomorrow is a bit better...
I recon you are on the money there Steve, Looks like a trip to area 51.
I hope to get down to the field early Friday for a few hours but that will depend on work. So watch this space, I will post on Thursday evening if the fleet is behaving themselves.
Hey Chris if you do go down this afternoon post before you go. What time you thinking? I will join you if the weather improves but for now its back to the building table.
Yes I do Kev I droped in on the way home from work at 11.30 and had a quick walk around the field. It is very wet with puddles on the strip, boggy under foot and the grass is out of control. I was ...
The forecast for later today and tomorrow looks grim, so I am going down to McCoy now with my mower and a plane or 2 for a few hours. Gazz
I will be down nice and early this morning, should be there about 8
Yeh I agree Wayne, the forecast for tomorrow looks better, so I will fly tomorrow as well.
I will be flying tomorrow from 8.30 am See you all there Lets hope the weather is kind to us. Dont forget that PC9 Kev Gazz
What a fantastic day. The really great thing is that tomorrow is gunna be even better. See you lucky bastards that are joining me at the field at 8.30 Gazz
Good plan to give it miss guys. There was about 10 guys down flying this morning, most of use got in 2 or 3 flights. Then Darren arrived and started mowing and just as he finished the runway DOWN IT C...
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news guys but I had to get up early to go in to work and it rained constantly from Kellyville all the way work (Ryde). Just looking at the radar now and that looks even ...
Thats great looking forward to meeting some of the guys from the club. I will bring my Sukhoi and PC9. What say we all meet at their gate at 9.50am. I just have to find it. Gazz
I have to work in the morning, bloody boats. If the weather is OK I will be going straight to Penrith from work. Hope to be out there by about 10. Gazz
I am heading out to Penrith now if anyone would like to join me!
Thats a nice posative thought Kieran. I hope you are right! Will still pack a few just in case the weather gods back off.
Mccoy is ok just.can somone please bring a rake or two. Gazz.
That sounds good to me. I was planning on being there at a Sparrows fart anyway, but the barby bangers make being an early riser a sweet deal. Shame as always about McCoy field but this friggin rain j...
Happy new year pilots I have been at work pretty much non stop for the last 2 months until 2pm today. 2011 I get my flight life back. So with that said I will be at the field tomorrow from 8.30. H...
I will be arriving at PEMAC at 8.30. Preflight checks at 8.31 and maiden at 8.32. Just kidding mate... I will definately be there before 8.30 They have a big day planned starting from 9.30, spoke t...
Thats a shame Paul, You would really love the massive approaches, lets hope the weather is kind. Gazz
I was at Penrith today mate. The HMAS field is at the very end of Bandon Rd at Vinyard, cross the railway line and follow it to the end and I mean right at the end of the goat track. You physically c...
You can forget about flying this weekend. It is bucketing down, see you next weekend... maybe! Looks like a good weekend for catching up on those repairs you have been putting off... either that or g...
chrism Wrote: (17-07-2011, 10:31 AM) -- Hey Gazz, If I go down it will be around 2 to 2-30pm. I will post if I go but that won't be until 1-00pm. Cheers Chris M -- Roger that!
It look like the weather man is turning it on for us this weekend... Hope to see you all down there enjoying the blue sky and the magnificent field condition.
Sorry team I have to work in the morning and wont be down at the field before 10.30 at the earliest. Somebody else will have to open up. Gazz