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Howdy all you frustrated pilots (like me) Droped in to the field this afternoon on the way home from work to see how the field was fairing after the weekend deluge. The strip is still quite soggy un...
Walked in for a fly this morning. The driveway into the strip has recovered pretty well from all the rain, it is still a little damp but definatley has improved since 2 weeks ago. The sad thing is t...
I walked from the club gates to Darrens last Saturday morning to pick up the keys and on the way back noticed a sign warning motorcycles with penalties etc for riding motor cycles on our field. Dont ...
No mate I have been very busy with work and the move so the completion of the mighty SU 47 has had to take a back seat. I did however finish it on the Sunday night and found during control setup th...
Field update as of 1 pm today I walked in for a fly as I have not been able to get to the field for a few weeks. Good News The sea has abated.. It is still a little soggy on the strip but I managed...
Is anyone apart from me going to up for a nice early 2014 flight or 20, I plan on being at the field by 8.30, see you there. Gazz
Gentlemen Could we please open a new post for this subject and not fill an important sticky with discussion... Thank you
Now that's a sight for sore eyes... sweet.
Tomorow looks like another cracker of a day. Todays flying conditions spoilt the few of us that braved the frikkin awesome conditions. Tomorrow is looking even better... see ya there! Gazz
They sure do Steve, and as the old saying goes.... "fly planes while the sun shines" or something along those lines anyway.... see you tomorrow!
The weather gods are smiling on us today, but the strip will still be a bit soggy for larger aircraft so I will be flying out west today. Take care in the air! Gazz
I would love to join you Chris, but unfortunately work comes first!
Naaa... don't sweat mate... it will be sweet!
secant0give Wrote: (09-10-2012, 08:44 PM) -- Will do Gazz, I should be there. If I can't make it or the weather looks forboding I'll post about lunchtime other wise I'll be ther between 4-4:30 S...
Post if you are definatley flying tomorrow afternoon Jason, I will come and join you if the weather is OK.
I can't promiss anything, but if work commitments allow, I'll be there to give you guys a hand. I will pack my mower in the van Friday morning so I can come straight from work. Gazz
Seriously Ben You will never look back if you buy a Trojan, they are an outstanding aircraft for improving your skills, and not only that, they are a Shit load of fun to fly. Gazz
Sorry Ben, Unfortunatley I am rarely if ever available during the week. Super Steve may be able to help, but you will have to wait for his reply, Everbody else has real jobs! Then again John H is a...
Welcome home Kev! We missed you.... and Steve is happy your back.
I will be flying at PEMAC tomorrow mate. I was going to fly today but the conditions this morning put me off. Planning on flying from 8.30 till 12. I have got that 13 x 6.5 with me. Chocks away old c...
Well who would have guessed that is was gunna friggin rain. IF the clouds piss off I will be heading out to PEMAC for a fly.
Is it 3.5 or 4mm bullet? Bring it along either way mate and if it fits I will give the Skyfun a run. FYI : I will bring along some new bullets and solder the suckers on down at the field.
I will be happy to take it off your hands Steve. I will take the 60 off and replace it with bullets. If you do get a chance to drop it by the field, I would appreciate it.
I dont think a 6S battery is a good idea, I amp tested it on a big sucker I have at home and it was drawing 125 amps pinned, I dont think that is a smart amount of power to have available to a motor ...
I will be flying tomorrow Frank, should be arriving at the field around 10 - 10.30.
Captain Decadance here! Heading down to the field shortly, another near perfect day. YeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
I am flying out west today Steve
Hey Jas, I will be flying later on, got a few things on this morning. I hope to be down about 11. Gazz
Captain Decadance here ! Jason, I will be joining you down at the field tomorrow as long as this terrific weather continues. I will be going down today as soon as my package arrives, unfortunatley I...
No mate, sorry I can drop buy after my T Box get delivered. Been waiting for it for 6 weeks and the useless morons are trying to deliver it again.... tomorrow, that is if the brain dead neanderthal fr...
For absolutely no reason other than saying...... Na na na na naaa I flew for 3 hours on Monday and 4 hours today in what could only be descrided as perfect conditions. I was going to do a bit of mow...
What sort of condition is the field in Steve. Is is in an acceptable state for flying tomorrow.
I was planning on being at the field first thing tomorrow but got a late call and have to work early so I wont be there till late morning.
Thanks for the offer John, watch the forum to see when we agree to hit the field.
I think the later in the week we leave it the better. You know .... let the big white ball give the field a good burn, Thursday afternoon or Friday morning at a Sparrows fart.
Your dead right there sport, and I think after a week like this we could be in a good position to recover even more of our field with another team mower attack Friday afternoon. Anyone..... anyone......
So Jason... What type of launching attachment do you have on the bottom of your aircraft to attach to you launcher?
Looking forward to getting a little air time with your launcher Jason, I have been a little hesitant about using my Skyfun since Steve almost decapitated his fingers and he is/was the pusher prop laun...
Next time you need access to the field in the afternoon Jason. Give me a ring mate! I drive past the field almost every day at about 3.20 and could have opened up for you.
Looks like they understood you Rob - Well done mate( NOT!!!) Looks like no one will be flying for at least another month ...
Still raining everywhere on the radar. Will have to give Penrith a miss.
Not a bad idea at all. I've just got up after a mega lazy sleep in, we are just about to go out for breakfast,but I might go out to Penrith this afternoon IF the weather continues to improve. I will...
Concerned.....yes ,weather is crap....yes, raining....yes I have been planning a multitude of flight tests on a number of aircraft that I was hoping to have in the sky on Australia Day, but the FU...
37 degrees puts hair on your chest Paul My request was not aimed at those who regularly assist. The club members who go out of there way on a regular basis know who they are. Your support is appreci...
I plan to drop in tomorrow afternoon about 3.30pm on the way home from work to take the top off the main strip areas that can be mowed and give the temporary strip a little clean up........ I would...
I can come down on Wednesday afternoon after work to help hit the main strip. Please let me know if Wednesday afternoon is a go as I dont want to take my mower to work for nothing. (Like last week)
Not being in the air is the biggest misery !!!
If the weather is fine I will be dropping in for a fly with a few non geared aircraft, I will give a report tomorrow evening, but if it all turns turtle as it always seems to do the instant I suggest ...
Any idea what McCoy is like. When I was over at Darrens this afternoon we could hear those fu#*&n pr&#ks on their motyorcycles, sounded like they were giving the field a flogging. I'm keen for a fly...