Videos: Other -
Skidz - 05-01-2012
To avoid polluting the video clips thread, I thought I'd start a different thread for things slightly off topic. Being a video on rotating blades, I guess this video just sneaks in as being remotely relevant.
RE: Funny Videos -
samste - 05-01-2012
yep, Some Mothers Do Have'm
RE: Funny Videos -
paulj - 05-01-2012
Unbelievable..................what an idiot!!!!!
RE: Videos: Other -
gbanger - 05-01-2012
Nice video Dave. Maybe we could track down this complete fuc#%n morron and ask him to change the Lipo in your Logo while its at full power.....I'd like to see that

RE: Videos: Other -
secant0give - 05-01-2012
I tend to agree with Gazz,
I'm not entirely sure if this boke's Oars quite reach the water?
RE: Videos: Other -
brotherblonde - 21-01-2012
Many years ago, Rockwell International decided to get into the heavy duty automatic transmission business. They were preparing to tape their first introductory video and, as a warm-up, one of the stage crew began a monologue that has become legend within the training industry. This man should have won an academy award for his performance. Now keep in mind, this was a rehearsal for camera, lighting, and stage crew, and he had no script! This is all strictly off the cuff, nothing is written down, and nothing he says is true. It's just meaningless drivel made up as he goes along.
Engineers unite -- this is what happens when an actor tries to be an engineer....
RE: Videos: Other -
Skidz - 21-01-2012
Hilarious! I always wondered about the turbo entabulator's influence on the sinusoidal dingle arm in Logo's power train. Now I know!

RE: Videos: Other -
brotherblonde - 21-01-2012
Well Dave, after talking to you today, i knew YOU'D understand.
And that's why the Logo is so light! It's the reverse mass displacement quotient.
RE: Videos: Other -
secant0give - 22-01-2012
That's a classic !!
RE: Videos: Other -
~KevJ~ - 22-01-2012
so good i loved that..
RE: Videos: Other -
Flying fisho - 22-01-2012
Almost wet myself laughing, although only because I had been prewarned he was talking gibberish. It all rolled off his tongue so artfully believable, would have easily thought I was simply not understanding his terminology.
RE: Videos: Other -
Claudius - 22-01-2012
That's cool BB - I had previously seen the one below ("Retro Encabulator") and didn't realise it must have been paying (retro) homage to this earlier "Turbo Encabulator":
RE: Videos: Other -
gbanger - 23-01-2012
Thats just absolutley frikin awsome Cladio. I was so impressed with the implementation of the lunar sorabulotor working in conjunction with the flux difibritation soradoital confomaxatonic extambulator that I just jumped straight on the net and ordered 2 of them.
Thanks mate
RE: Videos: Other -
smuzz - 23-01-2012
Yeh - I'd like a "maleable logarithmic casing" to keep my LiPos in!
RE: Videos: Other -
robair - 23-01-2012
Gday Steve
We have some side fumbling occurring at the moment, I believe you have a book of Mr Barnsies that addresses such things, any chance you would be able to drop this off v soon?
Rob B
RE: Videos: Other -
smuzz - 23-01-2012
Ah - yes, I knew there was something I hadn't done Rob.
Would you mind if I put it into your mailbox? I'm not sure I'll be able to get across there tonight, but tomorrow some time should be alright. I'll get your home address off the club membership spreadsheet.
Thanks for reminding me about it mate ... it's been a bit chaotic here.
RE: Videos: Other -
robair - 23-01-2012
All good Steve
Rob B
RE: Videos: Other -
kizza42 - 06-02-2012
Be Afraid...
RE: Videos: Other -
secant0give - 07-02-2012
You beat me to it I was going to post that one.
Awsome work by those Uni guys !!
Was showing some of the CSIRO blokes yesterday and trying convince them to do a UAV project.
I have been trying to convince them to do one for well over 10 years.
Oh well ................sigh....................mumble mumble.................Psi
RE: Videos: Other -
wingtipper - 07-02-2012
(06-02-2012, 11:52 PM)kizza42 Wrote: Be Afraid...
renders the bouncer obsolete doesn't it . any form of security . imagine a bunch of these things surrounding you to tell you its time to move on , with a slight warning of what could be done to your juggler if you try anything . lol .
RE: Videos: Other -
samste - 08-02-2012
Very Cool Stuff, Its amazing how much technology has come
RE: Videos: Other -
wingtipper - 09-02-2012
i think this guy needs a little helicopter training . ( he's all over the place , and having trouble with stable hovering ( omfg )
RE: Videos: Other -
brotherblonde - 09-02-2012
Yeah, you'd think that before trying to fly something that expensive, he'd learn to hover first!
RE: Videos: Other -
samste - 09-02-2012
Lol if That's Hovering, I like to see when he does Aerobatic stuff Everyone will be jumping for cover
RE: Videos: Other -
gbanger - 09-02-2012
Yeh !!!! Not bad !!!!!
RE: Videos: Other -
ConcreteTurtle - 09-02-2012
Funny, I seem to manage similar stuff in the sim while actually trying to maintain a hover.
The duration tends to be a lot less though.
RE: Videos: Other -
Skidz - 10-02-2012
I actually know Marco. I watched him fly many a weekend down at SSSFA. He had a Logo 600 too. A really nice guy and one of the best RC heli pilots in the country. A bit hard core here but he is an ultra smooth pilot. He switched from Srimok to Thunder Tiger (Kelletts) as a sponsored pilot late last year.
Here's another one with the Logo. See if you can get your head around the piro-flips in the last 30 secs.
RE: Videos: Other -
kizza42 - 20-02-2012
Some training material for you Gents:
RE: Videos: Other -
paulj - 20-02-2012
That is a classic........

Showed it to Pat so she could take a few notes.
RE: Videos: Other -
robair - 20-02-2012
G'day Paul
Yeh that was funny and well put together.
Don't think Rocelle would buy into that however my daughter Maya is progressing nicely. She is only 3 though so time is not on my side.
Rob B