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Sounds good... yeah mowing we can arrange with more notice... swampy is our eternal problem... especially after so much rain... if we try again... maybe we look at the driest part of the year.
Looks great... anyone want to write a summary of how it went?? Any lessons learnt for next time??
Guys sorry wont be able to make it still in brisbane till next week. Please help out if you can... with some safety marshalling, sausage sizzle... whatever.
kizza42 Wrote: (12-04-2017, 12:56 PM) -- Rossy Wrote: (12-04-2017, 12:39 PM) -- Quadzimodo Wrote: (22-02-2017, 12:41 AM) -- Rossy Wrote: (21-02-2017, 11:57 PM) -- I do not have permission to acces...
So you stayed all day babar???
Hey I'll try and be on... do we have a time?
Sorry interstate... this week
Busboy Wrote: (08-03-2017, 11:52 PM) -- How about we get together on a weekend of no flying and try it? -- Yep
hmm i was there but couldnt see you... my pc is slow... i am going to install on another ... might need to try again another night ... im 20-30 mins away
im about 15mins away... joining soon [hr] is there audio? [hr] Cant find any sessions
Ok post your details tonite to connect... never done this, do we have audio between each other?? ala skype?
that could be fun... it need to upgrade my PC... but will give it a go... are you going to run a clinic?? ! :)
I know there is a couple of members with these planes, Andre being one. I managed to get one cheap in a flash sale. And now need to kit it out with motor, prop, esc... blah blah. Looking for idea...
I think we should all buy some RC boats for weekends like this... Choose your favourite RC boat... heres mine -
Quadzimodo Wrote: (22-02-2017, 12:41 AM) -- Rossy Wrote: (21-02-2017, 11:57 PM) -- I do not have permission to access this page :( -- Hi Andrew, If you are currently a paid up member then ask R...
Yeah seconding Chris' comments... especially thanks to to the "Chairman for the Sub-committee for Club Facilities" ... Baz, for the shade... on a day of 40 degrees(by my car)... without it not sure ...
Will be down at the field tomorrow for car boot sale, and will have it with me... first come first serve. PM me if you are coming down.
Ive tried to find about how to get Libre GCS to recognise as a genuine firmware and remove the triangle warning... but no luck. However I dont think it matters, found a few posts saying its just cosm...
No, I havent been able to get that to go away and have updated to the latest libre fw... but it seems to work ok??
Selling ASW 28 Glider 2.5m. This is the 2.5m wingspan, in good condition. Clear canopy cracked at plugs but still goes on fine. Does fly ok, but not something I have got used to, needs a bit of tri...
symowallo Wrote: (28-08-2016, 09:00 PM) -- dfw Wrote: (28-08-2016, 08:28 PM) -- I managed to get my Eachine 250 cc3d board to load CleanFLight firmware. I first used an older Cleanflight version...
Chris Mc Wrote: (06-01-2017, 02:33 PM) -- Not sure what the field will be like after 2 days constant rain, some very heavy. Will check first thing tomorrow and post accordingly. Members are asked t...
Why would you bother?? So boring going in flat circles... Also not sure real pleasant breathing in the fumes!! Busboy Wrote: (06-10-2016, 09:03 AM) -- Would they allow this plane to fly at ...
Wont be there this week fellas... off to Canberra for weekend.
There might be one of the members that can help... but as we are electric-only most members are electric and unfortunately you wont be able to fly it at our field sorry (council rules). :( Finding a ...
Thnaks Dirk Was considering knocking off early and heading down for a quick hour of eachine... might give it a miss if still muddy.
Thanks for the survey flight Jason... dont think the water stopped your fun!! I might give a miss this weekend, I'm just as likely to drop it in one of the many puddles and bye bye quad.
Any thoughts on this charger... Its a chinese no-brand, so some risk, but ...
...and you told me you werent that technical Baz!!! Baz Wrote: (11-08-2016, 10:04 PM) -- 7 months into my quad journey and feeling good with todays results. My Fc is cc3d on cleanflight and altho...
Thanks folks for those already paid. I know still more to come, and some of you have seen me to let me know that. No problem... just a reminder to all to please pay by end of July if you haven't alr...
yep I agree... I dont expect much difference in flying/config for me... the reason is, I have been using a mac mini with libre. but I realise I need a laptop at the field... my work laptop is good, s...
We have a few eachine 250 quads in the club... I can think of myself, Dirk, Bob and Simon. Have any of you migrated it to Cleanflight. Seems there are a few steps, and while I can find instructions ...
OMG!!! Simon... reading your post you truly have become a 'droneaphile'... did I just make up a new word?? Good to see you on the forums... dont forget where the field is... come on down and yes br...
best photos on facebook page from weekend
Impressive site and access to information... bit of congestion over Europe!
Its really hard to put tape those small wire... maybe heatshrink or encase in hot glue.
well... I had one go at updating the firmware but no success, just seems dead... I might've stuffed it up, there is a whole bunch of wires to connect (quite fiddly). Stupidly I didnt try it with the...
Hmmm... i have no problem with a 2nd hand laptop for in the field, even a 5yo one will still do the quad tuning you need, rugged and cheap so can get chucked in the back of a car. My only concern for...
Does it still fit in the neoprene headstrap... sock.. thingy!?!?
Yep could be mine... lost last month... will have a cut in the foam underneath for battery, and a hole at rear for locking pin (no pin though)... gratefully received if returned! :)
I'll be down... International Drone Day today!... bring your drone and we will take some pics for the FB site!
You are flying pretty quick there!! I am crawling along by comparison! :(
Saw Kevin down there... missed you Jason.
Oh yeah! gotta watch that 'phase margin in the feedback loop' thats critical!! :) I read that article too and decided to stick with defaults for now!!